@Jack-van-Tilburg Thanks jack that muight a bit like I am looking for - though it would be brilliant if one could assign colours to self added POI's or pins.
Normally i place a tracking point/waypoint after each turn i have to make (left/right turn) at intersections or junctions. Thus will create a route with a lot of waypopints/tracking point, but you won't go wrong with the route itself since you "force" MRA to plot the route you crerates like that.
@Con-Hennekens Nou, ik heb toch maar een ticket ingediend. Heb er wel bij gezegd dat het geen hoge prioriteit heeft, maar wil toch wel weten waar dit nu fout gaat. Bedankt voor alle hulp zo ver.
Routes in the group can indeed not be changed. So you have to place the changed route new in the group. And don't forget to remove the 'old' route. Or work with a clear version indication in the name.
If the message does not reach the recipient, it is a good idea to first check whether that person has set all the settings correctly.
De snelheid die je mag rijden wordt getoond in de navigatie-app als je een route aan het rijden bent.
Zelf de max snelheid instellen is niet mogeijk op dit moment.
De planner rekend met een gemiddelde van wat je mag rijden op een weg ingedeeld in een categorie
@Fusebox666, relax. Suggestions for improvement of favorite management have already been issued. Later this year the planner website will get an overhaul. But given your profile name a little bit of angry is probably in your nature 😉
@P-Meijers, De schaal mag best op 175% staan, als dat maar op beide schermen gelijk is. Dat wordt per scherm namelijk afzonderlijk ingesteld in Windows. Maar opgelost is opgelost 😉 Succes!
@richtea999 The Route was very simple; from essential London City Airport to the second Waypoint, a Shaping Point, in Burford ( c 50 K from London ), to the third and final , Waypoint; my home near Moreton on Marsh.
There were no Waypoints once I left London City Airport before Burford, so there should not have been anything to confuse the System.
Many thanks for replies - had some free time today and had a play around.
Garmin XT2 - 36 characters max.
Have removed (, &, ) from any names
Naming protocol simplified, example below;
009 Powmill-Crieff-Dunblane 115m-4hr
Downloaded GPX1.1 in route format.
All my routes have 100 soft waypoints