@Corjan-Meijerink Hi Corjan, we begrijpen elkaar verkeerd. Op m'n iPhone werkt de kaartweergave goed, ik zie wel 11 varianten!
Alleen in de auto is er geen keuze. Misschien komt dat nog, prima. Maar als het al mogelijk is, wil ik het graag gebruiken.
Oh my god... I was thinking: what are they talking about... calculator function??? I went looking for it and discovered it now for the first time 🤣 🤣
I think I will be forgetting it again soon, since distance in kilometers is not a thing I plan routes on. Distance in time of course is important, but the the info in the waypoint list is quite sufficient for me. It's funny though, I have been using MRA for that long, and never saw it before 😉
@Gwallter-Rixon try the one that is best for you! I’d suggest using motorcycle and just pre plan your charging stops. However if you can enter the correct EV details for your bike, that will then work correctly.
Honestly, given the extremely small electric bike market, this won’t be added soon.
Splitting the route is a possible work arround but not very practical during creation phase. If I split the route and then, for example change the end point of the 1st part, I must then open the second part and change the start point consequently. And so forth for all other parts. Not very practical for a 10 day journey for example.
What would be cool is to have the possibility to mark a waypoint as an "overnight stop" (like inserting a pause) and have the program indicate the distance from the previous "overnight stop" directly in the Waypoints list.
I know this is an older post but I want to add one more user who is interested in this feature. We are currently planning a weeklong trip for June and not being able to collaborate on a route makes updating a challenge.