@Randy-Pohl HI Randy, I took a look at the GPX export from MRA and I forgot the GPX files have headers the Excel XML parser does not like(Red marked). Looking at the data inside the GPX file exported the distances are not exported, only the longitude and latitude and the description and is the point is a via or shaping point (calculation is done in the map based on the Lon and Lat).
This means you can import it into Excel with some programming, but it will not help you calculating times. you can calculate distances in Excel with the Google API, but this will involve also some programming
In my opinion MRA does a great job at planning as you can enter start times, pause times etc.
Why do you not break the 10 days up in segments? you have to plan your start time and time you need to be at the Hotel / Camping.9268a100-8da4-422a-8480-780836473a2c-image.png