Hi guys,
I think I found half of a "workaround" for my personal audio ducking issue.^^
I start my Media Player on the mobile, start Osmand, quit Osmand, start NN and all of a sudden, music is completely muted when instructions from NN are played. Most of the time - if instructions come in short time distance, the last will be handled with simply lowering volume of music instead of stopping totally.
I´m a bit confused. It seems that Osmand is not completely shut down in the background and their "channel splitting" is applied to NN. Will try to evaluate by battery drain, but hard to compare w/o serveral runs on "lab conditions"...
Conclusion for me is that NN could be capable of doing what I would like to have w/o much effort.
Anybody here would like to cross check?
BTW: I´m using F-Droid Osmand App, not Play Store version.
Have a nice weekend, everybody.