@StefanHummelink Constructive criticism is not only helpful but welcomed too. My point is; for a small company MRA is (British saying) punching well above itโs weight (performing better than it should).
LAUNCH: Major Navigation revamp
Attention Community!
Since 2017 we've been at work to not only provide the best routeplanner out there, but also to give real travel enthusiasts the experience of a fully fledged navigation system on their smartphone. This dream is MRA Navigation, and from the very beginning it has been a rocky road for some users.
After years of tackling our app woes on our own, splitting development attention between MRA Routeplanner and MRA Navigation we decided in the second half of 2020 to have our internal development team move their focus fully to MRA Routeplanner. Through a closed procurement procedure we contracted a long-term development partner for MRA Navigation, App-vise B.V. in the Netherlands.
Now, after almost a year of work we're ready to announce that the major Navigation revamp has been completed. On both iOS and Android we experience a 96.8% crashless performance, wih crashfree performance in navigation apps of <90% signalling that MRA Navigation remains a top tier navigation app. Not only that, we have added new waypoint features and POI visibility.
In the very near future we plan to finally release Apple Carplay, as well as nearby routes and a brand new roundtour generator (although experienced users will have figured out by now that using both the MRA Routeplanner mobile app and MRA Navigation provides seamless roundtour generator performance.
To celebrate this major milestone we've created a brand new landing page for you to explore. Check it out here!
https://info.myrouteapp.com/mra-navigation-landing-page-en -
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA I'm truly excited what this new partner will bring to the table
. There's hundreds of feature requests for the nav app on this forum... Is there any chance a roadmap poll for the MRA nav app will be coming soon? I feel like that is the best way forward now!
@StefanHummelink We will definitely have a poll, but I'll immediately admit that it won't be this year.
The reason why is very simple: when we released the RoadMap for MRA Routeplanner, we were already very satisfied with the existing system: it had tons of features, was inspiring to use as it had no equal on the market and as a result directly impacted the polling outcome. For example, were I to set up a poll now we'd probably see 90% of the votes going towards things like carplay-esque or roundtour-esque features, whilst if we wait those features will already be in there.
My plan is to scour the forum again somewhere during Fall or Winter 2021 to create a MRA Navigation specific feature poll, once again add our own ideas on that list and apply the same double-check democratic polling in the decision making system. Then, I'll once again publicize how we interpret the final roadmap as being a balancing act of "people's choice" and "company vision".
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA I understand! It would however be nice if the current roadmap can be split into MRA Routeplanner and MRA Navigation roadmaps. I feel like it deserves its own roadmap. It also provides the transparency MRA whishes to achieve. MRA Nav users know what features are in progress and what's coming up.
From your post above it seems that the remaining part of 2021 is entirely dedicated to ONLY the carplay and roundtour features? The current MRA Roadmap does nothing for MRA Navigation... I find it hard to believe that an dedicated app developer needs 6 months to implement a feature which has long been in development already (from previous statements)
Therefore a poll for Navigation features can still be beneficiary, with a clear statement that carplay and roundtour is already in current development. The reason why I'm hammering on this, is that on this forum many small 'interface' features are requested that can 'easily' be implemented (I'm not a app developer, but it seems that adding a message to be able to select whether to start from nearest waypoint or starting point is far easier to implement than i.e. apple carplay).
EDIT: Re-read your post, you already sort of mentioned the same thingDon't get me wrong, I like the app very much already, but there is so much room for improvement to make it absolutely the bomb in navigation land. :grind:
@Matt-Flaming said in LAUNCH: Major Navigation revamp:
So am I understanding that we have to wait 6 months+ to see new features on the Navigation app?
That would be bad.............
@StefanHummelink @Matt-Flaming @Kudee
You have to realise that MRA is a small company in comparison to Garmin and TomTom, so not all of the planned updates can be rolled out as quickly as perhaps you might like. I also believe that MRA is far more transparent and approachable than the two big market leaders. Have you tried contacting either of them with a problem? Do they offer their users a chance to shape future upgrades?
TomTom stopped updates for their Rider 2013 model (and previous Riders) making them virtually useless leaving the owners of older devices no choice but to buy the latest model (not cheap)! That would never happen with MRA Navigation.
The new Garmin XT has suffered with many glitches and that is from a multi million dollar company with hundreds of experts in their development team.
I think some of your comments are a little unfair to be honest. -
@Nick-Carthew I agree that my post was a bit unfair on some points... In dutch we have a saying: "geef iemand een vinger, en hij neemt de gehele hand"... means something like: we have the ability to put forth our likings, but inevitably we demand to control the entire development
I just want to assist in helping MRA become market leader for the long run.
I'm simply a true fanboy hahaha but yet I don't shy from putting forth my whishes. Typically Dutch right?
@StefanHummelink Constructive criticism is not only helpful but welcomed too. My point is; for a small company MRA is (British saying) punching well above itโs weight (performing better than it should).
@Matt-Flaming I'm not enjoying the fact that you are still having such issues with the MRA Navigation app, since there's a clear discrepancy between the performance we see and the one you're getting. The 96.8% crashfree performance was in fact measured over the last version of MRA Navigation, on Android, and is the sole reason we're now daring to market it as such. It truly isn't a hollow claim. Obviously for you personally (and if you're experiencing it, no doubt other users as well) this is not the case. You have my promise that we don't treat such occurances lightly as there really, honestly, is no benefit for us to ignore it. When you have the time, I'd like to give you a call so that we can get to the bottom of what you're experiencing and how it can be resolved.
@Matt-Flaming I feel your pain and frustration but you have to realise that the vast majority of Android and iOS users are completely happy. That of course doesnโt help you and with a ticket in place Iโm sure that the boffins in MRAโs dark cellar will get to the bottom of your issues. If youโre not completely satisfied I have no doubt that you could ask for and receive a full refund because thatโs the type of company that MRA is.
Regarding a MRA Navigation RoadMap:
Let me clarify that the current RoadMap for MRA Navigation consists out of the following features:
- Apple CarPlay
- Roundtour Generation
- Nearby routes
After this, we're indeed planning to release a RoadMap specifically for MRA Navigation. You'll be involved right along the way, and as I said we're aiming to start that process in Fall - Winter 2021. MRA Navigation is very important to us and it does deserve it's own Roadmap. We're not going to do it head-over-heels though, as we'd want everyone to be involved there.
@Nick-Carthew Absolutely!
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA What about VIA Points for Android? Please, just say next week my friend
@Kudee Are already implemented in V1.6.6.!
@StefanHummelink I see only Sharping Points in the App on my Android Phone
Notice the
via points in one of my routes in MRA Navigation v.1.6.6.
This post is deleted! -
@Matt-Flaming No. 1. Picture is Printscreen from the Web Planing Tool. 2. Picture is from my mobile App My Route App. In here it is as i should be! 3. Picture is from my Mobile as it looks on Navigation App. Any Idea friends?
@Matt-Flaming @Kudee Now I notice that this via point stuff is a bit buggy...
Previously in this thread I showed that the app is able to show via points... Yet, I open a different route with via points in it, and long and behold, no via points in MRA Nav overview. What the...
I thought it was bugfree... Untill now.
There seems to be a relation to the route being opened in the in built route editor though! That seems so fuckup the route in MRA nav, even though the route in routeplanner is not modified (visually)...