Looking at CoPilotGPS, it does a pretty good job of maintaining a minimalist display - presenting only relevant/necessary information...
The display is also dated. I haven't seen an update to their UI since the beginning. I'm just throwing it out there as an example of a different approach.
The two top buttons by the B arrow can be disabled/removed from the display, leaving only the zoom buttons. Same for the speed limit (arrow C). What's left is pretty basic.
The two fields marked by arrow A are user configurable. Currently they are showing distance and estimated time remaining to the next via (stop). This is generally my preferred configuration - an option not currently in MRA Navigation. Other options for these fields...
I should also note that those two fields are user selectable/configurable on the fly. You simply touch the field and the options display shown above pops up. It might be handy to be able to display ETA to final destination momentarily.
What MRA calls full screen lane guidance is a user selectable option. However, it's either on or off...
CoPilotGPS calls it ClearTurn. In addition to being able to turn it on/off, they give you configuration options on how it actually works...
I've got it set to 0.7/0.5 miles, which seems to work well. It pops up and grabs your attention, but doesn't persist long enough to get in the way.
MRA has an option to "Alert me when I'm speeding". It's either on or off. There's no option to turn speed limits off etc. CoPilotGPS on the other hand...
I'm not sure why I'd ever turn the speed limit display off. But maybe being able to set how many mph over before you get a warning might be useful.
Perhaps less useful, but mentioning anyway... CoPilotGPS will display "places"/POIs on the map. I'm not sure how handy that would be. But, what POIs categories get displayed is user selectable. IDK, gas stations or food might be handy. They can also be configured to display only when stopped. Maybe more useful is the "places"/POI alerts. These alerts are also user configurable. Perhaps getting alerted to nearby gas stations, restaurants or parking/rest stops for example may be handy.
Anyway... My main point is that I think maybe there should be room made for some user configurable fields. Especially the time/distance to the next via (stop) as shown by arrow A above.