Select multiple routes
I have imported a bunch of routes. Now I want to clean up.
Is there a way to easily select multiple routes in the Routeplanner?In PC programs we can select multiple objects using SHIFT + scroll and click, or SHIFT + arrow, so I am looking for something similar.
@Makro I'm nog sure that I understand your question so could you give us some background on what you're trying to find
@Makro Go to the Support section and type in: Manual display and merge routes.
I don't want to make add a number of routes manually.
In the Route Lab -> Routes I have a number of routes listed, that I don't want anymore.
I can tick each one, but not all of them at once, and afterwards click delete.What I want is to click the first one, hold down shift as I would do on a PC, click the last one, and then click delete.
It's quite tedious to have to tick many routes manually, so I really miss this multi select capability, that has been common o n PCs for years.
@Makro Now I understand, thank you for your further explanation.
But I do not think it would be very often that you would need to delete more than a few routes at a time. If it was something that was used each time you used the route planner, I think it would attract some attention from the developers.
Just my thoughts. -
Hi Nick.
Well I sometimes import downloaded routes to check them out. Sometimes I keep them, other times I modify them a bit and save them, but most often I end up deleting them.Yesterday I imported a few GPX files, appearing as many routes in the route planner. Now I want to delete most of them.
So this seems to be feature request
@Makro You want to do this from the myroute-app in the browser i assume? If so, you can click in front of the route(s) you want to delete, then they will be selected, if you have selected the files, there will be a little screen at the center buttom of the screen. You have the option to move, save or delete.