Anyone using MRA Next on a Android Tablet?
Thinking about putting an Android tablet on my bike for running MRA Next. I'll have the maps updated, be using it in offline mode, and will have all my routes synced with it.
Has anyone had any issues with this? I've read there were some problems with having the Transportation Mode set to motorcycle, so I've changed it to car.
I'm doing an extended weekend from SoCal to Arizona in a couple weeks and was planing to have MRA Next as my primary navigation tool. Is there any tips or tricks I should know about to ensure a good experience?
Although I'm not using a tablet, I know some friends that do it.
The tablet is as good as any phone to be used with MRa. You'll find same problems and benefits in a Tablet. Only be aware of: Tablet has LTE or will be connected to main phone for data?. Your power source has enough current to charge it? You support is strong to hold extra weight?
If all is answered as "Yes", the only thing you must do is "Enjoy it!!!"
@Ron-Z I”m using a Thork racing rugged tablet. The T865X witch is a great tablet with 1300 nits screen. MRA runs flawless on it.
@Ron-Z it depends about type of tablet and type of bike - because of vibrations. I have destroyed 2 Smartphones in past, but now I have a T865-X rugged tablet from DMD2 (Thorkracing).
At first, it looks a bit expensive, but it's well constructed for military use. There is a navigation App on it, but you can install and use other Apps too, like MyRoute-App.The screen is big enough to be able to read village/city names on map, in case of suddenly detour from your planned route; will help for orientation.
You can connect temote buttons on handlebar to zoom, or pan the map on screen. that's really really great!And you can download maps for MyRoute-App about all regions you will drive - in forefront. So you can navigate offline. But you may use private Hotspot on your phone, to connect the tablet - then you can navigate instantly online.
That's all - have fun
I am using an Oukitel RT3 since 2 years without any problems. 120€ in Germany in the moment.
i am also using a Oukitel RT3 for around 2 years, and had no problems at all, some say the nits are not high enough, not sure what that means? think it's brightness and if I'm honest didn't really make any difference in my experience. I used it in all light conditions and wet and dry days, the battery lasted all day. it was not in a cover and fitted to a make shift mount.
At this moment, I am trying out the carpuride 702B, up to know its very good and have no concerns with it. It does everything that is expected of it. but of course this was not your query
I'll be using a ruggedized Samsung Galaxy Active 5 tablet, with a RAM case and ball mount that's quite secure.
Good to hear folks have good experience running MRA on their tablets! I do have CarPlay as a backup if needed, but I'm hoping I won't have any issues.
I'll be running MRA strictly in offline mode, and have all my routes sync'd and ready on the tablet along with updated maps. I was actually thinking of selling my tablet, but if all goes well, this will be my primary navigation device.
@Ron-Z if you run MRA on a tablet you can use all the features. If you run it on CarPlay or Android Auto you miss a couple of them. Due to restrictions of Apple and Google so I think a tablet is the better chaise