27 Jan 2025, 14:22

I had almost given up on the app in the middle of last year, honestly, after a couple of problems with unexpected navigation behavior and problems with Android Auto. And I am very happy that I tried again after your "Christmas-update" (this is what made me buy Navigation and Gold Lifetime).

Besides other small things that will surely get ironed out over time, the two features I do miss the most are: 1) Current speed and speed limit display while not navigating (i.e. a "just drive"-mode), and 2) seeing speed limit changes on the track line.

As far as I know, 1) is a planned feature already - and I am very eager to see this; that would make it my default riding companion... And regarding 2), the inspiration here is, how Sygic does it: It shows all speed limit changes as little "speed limit signs" on the track line at the very position where the speed limit begins: This way, one knows beforehand if it is worth it to accelerate before a curve, overtake slow vehicles etc. It could essentially be displayed like a via point: A sign that is pinned to a certain point on the track line.