What Am I Not Understanding About Waypoints and Shaping Points?
My understanding is that the MyRoute GPS will head towards each shaping point (the upside down teardrop) in the order they are listed; but, if the program determines you have bypassed that shaping point and are heading towards a future one, it will then ignore that shaping point. I also understand that the GPS will always direct you to the next waypoint (the hand) no matter how far off course you travel. It looks like I am wrong based on the test route I rode today. If you will please indulge me...
My route started fine at WP1 (green), got me on the NJ/PA Turnpike Bridge. About 90 miles later I was heading home across the bridge, expecting to be directed to SP26, SP27, WP28, and finally to WP29. The heavy red line is what I intended to do (and actually did do). I wanted to see the GPS direct me towards SP26, and then, once it noticed I wasn't heading that way, it would skip SP26 and SP27. What actually happened is at least 3 miles before SP26, the GPS already ignored them and followed the first two turns of my heavy red line, sending me directly towards WP28.
My question: Why did the MyRoute GPS ignore SP26 and SP27 when I was still heading towards them?
My final heavy red line turn, away from WP28 and towards my finish at WP29, went as expected; the GPS kept trying to route me towards WP28, even after I crossed over WP29.
I also had a few questions about SP2 through SP25, but I'll save that for another day!
I would greatly appreciate anyone's help with this misunderstanding I have on Waypoints and Shaping Points.
@Sam-Kramer Hi Sam
If you share the url of the route here and make shure that its set to public we might be able to help you -
Here is the URL
https://www.myrouteapp.com/en/social/route/10745422?mode=shareI just made it public.
Three additional items I should have put in my initial post:
- When I start the route in Navigation Next on the MyRoute-app, SP26 and SP27 are included in the route. It was only close to the end of the route that I noticed they were skipped.
The route is about 62 miles long, not 90 miles.
What I am calling Shaping Points I think some people are calling Waypoints, and what I am calling Waypoints, some people, and I think the program itself, calls Via Points. Either way, I am still misunderstanding something. Why did the GPS ignore my two "it would be nice to go this way" points. The program did accept my "I have to go through this" point.
@Sam-Kramer said in What Am I Not Understanding About Waypoints and Shaping Points?:
My question: Why did the MyRoute GPS ignore SP26 and SP27 when I was still heading towards them?
If you detour a few times the app will conclude that the waypoint it is heading to cannot be reached (due to roadworks or whatever). Your next WP will then become 27. If you detour a few times again, the same thing will happen again.
the GPS kept trying to route me towards WP28
WP 28 is a VIA point (hand symbol). These will not be skipped automatically until you actually hit them. They are used for obligatory stops (e.g. lunch or meeting locations).
@Con-Hennekens Thank you for the reply, but I don’t believe I made any detours before the GPS ignored SP26 and SP27. I was at least a couple miles away when I noticed they were skipped, even though I hadn’t detoured away from them.
I don't understand why SPs 26 & 27 were bypassed at least two miles before I turned away from them. They were still on the route at the beginning of the ride,.
Maybe the point are not on the road?
If I zoom in I cannot determine if it is on the road or not.
Place them on the middle of the road as the cards used (HERE/TT) can have little difference.
If it is not on the road the point cn be skipped.