@Peter-Schiefer Dear Peter, if I understand your question correctly, your German text is pronounced in a very strange way. If so, have you set the correct voice for the pronunciation? When you choose audio in your navigation settings, the second line from the top says "Voice" (Stem). Behind that you can tap and choose from 9 different German voices. It would be strange if there is not a speech that is good for you.
Suggestion for announcements
@Con-Hennekens said in Suggestion for announcements:
@Peter-Schiefer said in Suggestion for announcements:
My idea now is if a SP is used as important set a „blind“ VP short behind this SP so it will not skipped by calculation or a recalculation by new circumstances.
That is really unnecessary if no features are interfering with the sole purpose of a VIA point: make it mandatory...
I assume that some are so convinced with MRA that they do not hear the concerns.
My finding with no doubts is that the realibilty of announcements get worse since 4.3 by whatever reason.
If there is an annother verbal notice like route advice within the 2 kilometers or just before there is no verbal hint. In a lucky situation yoy got the info Waypoint reached but this also coud be ignored. -
@Peter-Schiefer said in Suggestion for announcements:
I assume that some are so convinced with MRA that they do not hear the concerns.
If I was so "convinced with MRA", I would not have made the suggestion I made above... I assume that some are so convinced of their own methods and opinions that they think the rest of the world should change those accordingly?
I think the comment I made has little to do with your concerns though.
Hans van de Ven MR.MRA Instructor RouteXperts last edited by Hans van de Ven MR.MRA 16 Sept 2024, 13:58 16 Sept 2024, 13:55
@Con-Hennekens said in Suggestion for announcements:
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA said in Suggestion for announcements:
Why would you want to announce a formation point?
Why would you want to limit announcements to VIA points? VIA points are solely intended to be mandatory, no other features should be hung up on being VIA points.
Correct and normal route points do not need to be announced for me. I also only selected the via points to be announced. Other points are there to shape the route and you can use 188 viapoints in the app.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA, I think the keyword here is:
normal route points do not need to be announced for me.
I use announcements on shaping points A LOT, to point to interesting things along the road. It would be unwise to make them mandatory just to be able to get the note spoken. It would defy the purpose of auto-skipping.
Then I would leave it as it is now. You can choose.
for me a conflict, use SPs for additional may important infos like highlights longside the street and these could be skipped.
The only big problem for me is the 2 Kilometer distance for POI annoncements with only one call which than may up to 2 minutes to reach the point and for the final destination you got 3 calls.
@Con-Hennekens said in Suggestion for announcements:
@RetiredWingMan said in Suggestion for announcements:
I like being able to change the name of the waypoint. That way i can easily tell what the waypoint is when looking at the list of waypoints. I would prefer that a waypoint name that has been manually entered not be changed it I move the waypoint.
That is a great addition, thanks!
I think the system already does this,
in the web planner when you drag / move an existing point it will open a confirmation dialog box after the point is placed
if you select "Cancel" the new position is accepted but the new name is not, the old previously entered name is retained
in the mobile route planner it is a little bit more awkward / unintuitive
pick a point & select the move icon
after you have moved the point to the new location & click "move" to accept the new spot
the confirmation / point information panel appears
at the top you will see the new location / spot name
in the name box you will see the old previous name
simply place the cursor in the name box then type or add a space / backspace
just do something in the name box
when you now close the confirmation / point information panel the OLD name will be retainedby the way I am just extending / repeating what @Peter-Schiefer mentioned in an earlier post
& I appreciate nobody has taken the time to even consider or find fault with my suggestion, it is so simple, maybe its complicated
@Brian-McG When I read all the reactions I get the idea that no one has read my proposal. Because everything that the various people want can be solved like this.
In my opinion, it is simple and straightforward to solve. Place all the text you want to be spoken in the notes field. Make sure you can check the box that you want to have that text spoken. If you do not check anything, it is just a standard note. Where you place this point in the route, it is spoken. If you want to report two kilometers before the gas station that there is a gas and coffee stop in two kilometers, then you place the message two kilometers before the gas station. You indicate the location of the gas station in your route in the usual way. This way, everyone is free to have something reported in distance or time and only an option needs to be created to have a text of your choice spoken. It does not matter whether you want to use a formation point or a via point for this. If there are people who still want to hear all the text or all the notes, you can give them a choice in Navigation settings/audio as it is by now.
Long text in verbal announcement, be carefull, I do not know what the „Mother language“ for MRA text infos is, but I detect that with German text you got relativ often not understandable words.The internal engine for text to speach is not perfect. And a longer text will come in conflict with routing instructions.I propose not to use more then 5 to 8 words in one sentence.
Hi @Baltus it is fun how we all like to write but not so much to read
& I have to say thank you for raising the original post that started all this discussionFirst I would like to say there are two parts to the announcement question
- The What
- The When
I find conflating options/ scenarios to just lead to confusion & nobody really understanding or looking at the issues in their simplest form
My previous suggestion soley refers to "The What", this being what will be announced & what the structure or triggers are for controlling the announcement
& @Baltus I think we are saying the same thing regards the control, I think my suggestion does exactly the same as what you are saying, it just does not require any check boxas for "The When" I was trying to avoid this topic as it has been rehashed many times on here & any change regarding this always seems to be pushed down, I was hoping maybe to get the control / trigger side of things changed first then maybe with some luck "The When" but as everyone wants to join the issues.....
Again @Baltus I agree with you 100%, the whole 750m shape point, 2km Via points is daft & have said as much here
Having the announced point name / notes occur at the location the point is placed gives the user the most control.If the What was announced & the When was made & controlled as per my 2 suggestions I think there is enough flexibility in that setup that everyone could have what they want to hear, when they want to hear it
Brian McG 16 Sept 2024, 22:19
@Brian-McG said in Suggestion for announcements:
in the web planner when you drag / move an existing point it will open a confirmation dialog box after the point is placed
if you select "Cancel" the new position is accepted but the new name is not, the old previously entered name is retainedYes, it does that, but only when you have this option active: "Ask for route point name".
I never use that option, because I don't want pop-ups on ALL waypoints I place or move.
& I appreciate nobody has taken the time to even consider or find fault with my suggestion,
(well, almost!)
I think our approaches don't differ that much.
@Peter-Schiefer Dear Peter, if I understand your question correctly, your German text is pronounced in a very strange way. If so, have you set the correct voice for the pronunciation? When you choose audio in your navigation settings, the second line from the top says "Voice" (Stem). Behind that you can tap and choose from 9 different German voices. It would be strange if there is not a speech that is good for you.
@Brian-McG Dear Brian, Thanks for your response. I myself often have the tendency to not read properly. But because this topic raised so many questions for me, I have delved into it. There are a number of responses from people who are completely fine with the existing system. They should certainly remain satisfied. You, and I and probably more people find it all illogical and too complicated. In order to keep/get those two groups satisfied and not have to make too big a change, I made this proposal. You can leave the existing system completely as it is. So group 1 is happy. If you choose "Off" in the navigation settings for waypoint messages, an option will appear in the "Note field" of a Formation point or a Via point to check "Pronounce". If you do not check the box, it is just a note. If you do check the box, only the text from this box will be pronounced when you pass the point. I think group 2 will then also be happy.
@Baltus said in Suggestion for announcements:
@Peter-Schiefer Dear Peter, if I understand your question correctly, your German text is pronounced in a very strange way. If so, have you set the correct voice for the pronunciation? When you choose audio in your navigation settings, the second line from the top says "Voice" (Stem). Behind that you can tap and choose from 9 different German voices. It would be strange if there is not a speech that is good for you.
Strange is that German words are spoken in English
Sample near cologne is a small village written „Much“. the german spelling is Mu like the „bu“ from butcher and the ch froh Machine has no englisch sound it is more a „chr“. MRA speak is like the english „(too) much“
So it is not a dialekt it is a problem of interpretation
And so the wording or speling especially of proper names could be funny. -
Nick Carthew RouteXperts Instructor last edited by Nick Carthew 17 Sept 2024, 17:12 17 Sept 2024, 17:09
@Peter-Schiefer said in Suggestion for announcements:
Strange is that German words are spoken in English
Sample near cologne is a small village written „Much“. the german spelling is Mu like the „bu“ from butcher and the ch froh Machine has no englisch sound it is more a „chr“. MRA speak is like the english „(too) much“
So it is not a dialekt it is a problem of interpretation
And so the wording or speling especially of proper names could be funny.The text to speech engine is coming from your phone, MRA does not supply text to speech.
The iPhone has 11 German voices to choose from.