Bulk Upload of POI's
Is there an easy way to bulk upload POI's? I am referring to the use of a spreadsheet/CVS that I would properly add all my desired POI's into a spreadsheet then upload them ALL?
It would be really handy to have a formatted example of a spreadsheet/CVS with all the proper headings for easy population. They could be easily shared, added too etc.
It has to be fairly easy as this is just one big database.
Am I right?
Just tried this in ChatGPT and it works !!!
All castles in the UK in a GPX and a KLM file. -
@Dikke-Wim that is brilliant. But how do you get them all in a poi file that all routes should have access to.
In MyRoute App you can upload POI's. After that you go can make them visible als POI's in Library (Beheren in Dutch).
Da's heel apart, die ik het in ChatGPT dan krijg ik dit te zien:
Geen .gpx bestand zoals bij @Dikke-Wim. Doe ik iets verkeerd?
@Greenham said in Bulk Upload of POI's:
Is there an easy way to bulk upload POI's? I am referring to the use of a spreadsheet/CVS that I would properly add all my desired POI's into a spreadsheet then upload them ALL?
It would be really handy to have a formatted example of a spreadsheet/CVS with all the proper headings for easy population. They could be easily shared, added too etc.
It has to be fairly easy as this is just one big database.
Am I right?
Yes that is possible, but the POI in MRA is quite rudimentary, you can only enter a name in the database.
here is an example of a file that you can read in GPS Visulizer for example and convert to GPX.https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/convert_input?convert_format=gpx
For myself I have made a VBA program in Excel that converts the above data into a GPX file, which I upload in MRA.
The reason for this is that MRA has some trouble with the CSV files and that Excel subconsciously converts my CSV numbers.
I am currently busy converting the Excel VBA to Openoffice and expanding the GPX export so that I can enter more data such as warnings and heights that my Garmin device can use.Please note that you have to divide the different POIs, you cannot change the category in MRA. they all get the same icon.
Below my (Chaotic) own POI library, by uploading them differently you can use different icons.BertM
@Greenham I have a POI file that I am constantly updating and I use this website. I upload the file, add points, then download the new updated file.
https://www.poieditor.com/ -
Ik heb ChatGPT gebruikt en daarbinnen de ChatBot "Travel Guide". Helaas kun je die maar zeer beperkt gratis gebruiken. Dus gisteravond moest ik wachten om verder te kunnen.
Maar uiteindelijk wordt er een GPX file gegenereerd en een KML file op mijn verzoek om in Google Earth e.a. te kunnen zien.
Zie hieronder wat ik bedoel met "Travel Guide">
@Dikke-Wim you can also use Qgis to harvest POI's from OSM mapping.
This is Castles for UK and Ireland.
You need two add ins to get the information QuickOSM
Which gives a dialog like this.
And POI exporter which allows export as a GPX file that MRA can read. -
@Mzokk Thanks a lot. But.... is a lot of work I guess. Therefore I prefer AI who takes over the difficult stuff. I'm doing some experiments with AI. Curious how things work out.
Here's another attempt in three simple steps:
- Launch a query on overpass-turbo.eu
- export as gpx
- upload into MRA
I do not think @Greenham want to harvest POI's but to put his own POI's into MRA in bulk.
I use Excel to make them and then convert to GPX.
MRA only uses the description but If I load them into my Garmin I get the other fields also. I am now busy to find out how to bulk import a GPX into my little housemade tool. -
Thank you very much! It seems to work great....
However, not all dots of castles of South UH that are shown on the map are found in MRA when imported.Do you have any idea how to fix this? See screendumps below.
@Dikke-Wim said in Bulk Upload of POI's:
However, not all dots of castles of South UH that are shown on the map are found in MRA when imported.
Hmmm... Maybe you need to zoom in?
Unfortunately even when I zoom in more than in the example above, no additional castles appear. Only "few" of the cirkels with castles in the overpass.eu website, are visible.
Any suggestions what I do wrong?
Example of the map with castles in Cornwall
No castles in Cornwall after importing the GPX file
the KML file shows more castles in Google Earth than the GPX file in MRA
OK - let's focus on "Crane Castle" as an example; it's this one:
Please have a look at the GPX you've uploaded with an editor and search for "Crane", there should be a match like this:
In MRA, search for "Portreath" and zoom in to a scale of 1 km / 1 mile or less:
Does it show up?
And one more note:
I have just noticed that "historic=castle" can be modelled both as a ‘node’ (point) and as a ‘way’ (path, here in the sense of area). They appear as yellow dots for nodes and red dots for ways/areas.
That's why my example query node ["historic"="castle"]; is not ideal, because it only finds castles that are modelled as a point.
Better, as in your example, is nwr ["historic"="castle"]; as it includes nodes, ways and relations.
OK - I got it.
You need an out centre (instead of an out geom) to create a single node for ways/areas. This will generate waypoints for both types (nodes and ways) when exporting as GPX.
Here's the result
for the query:
Sorry for the confusion!
@Dikke-Wim Somewhat less work than the method you describe