Routeplanner and App suggestion: Save Route-Sets
- During planning a route for our MC we usually compare the newly planned routes with the routes we used the last 5 years. We do this to avoid using the same roads over and over again. We also check them against a gpx with the "StreckenSperrungen" in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria. Other question we received: Are there any chargers on the route? The first two electric motorcycles are taking part to our next event....
The amount of clicks to select these gpxs and/or routes and set the colour to a desired one is enormous if you have your data stored structured in MRA, which you will have if you volunteer for an MC with some history.
It would be nice if you could create and save a Route-Set: a set of routes/gpxs that you could add at once to the route you are building. On a multiple-day event this would be of great help.
- Mogelijkheid hebben om een set routes/gpx’s op te slaan die je onder een route wilt leggen om te vergelijken. Deze opslaan onder een naam, bijv. Weekend Westerwald. Deze kun je dan door “Open routeset” ineens weer tonen, Hierin kun je dan wegafsluitingen DLD, laadpalen (jaja) en routes voorgaande jaren opslaan. Het is een hoop geklik als je steeds 5 routes toe moet voegen en de kleuren aanpassen om te kunnen vergelijken.
I agree. My wife and I are planning our routes for this year’s tour and find ourselves frequently adding previous year’s routes for comparison. It’s quite a pain to do, especially since the added routes aren’t saved so you have to do it again every time you close the route and open a different route to edit (and change the colour of each route you add to make things easier).
It’s one area where Basecamp excelled - the ability to see all routes in the current folder (and subfolders) shown on the map. We’d frequently pick a point on the map and look to see all routes that went through or close to that point when deciding where to ride on a particular day.
@Dae-0 Indeed, show all routes in a map is a missing feature to. I will add this a a separate improvement. Thanks.
Corjan Meijerink