New Beta! (v3.2.12)
Did a perfect test today. Not with CarPlay but on the bike and offline. Since I hate voice commands, I have no problems with that. They are off
. Navigation is as stable as it can be
With this version I can go on my Pentecost trip to the Alps (I hope HERE has solved the issue with seasonal closure by then).
Only forgot to take pictures en route...
iPhone 13, cable to USB, started navigation at 90% battery capacity and ended at a 100% battery capacity!
@Rob-Verhoeff very happy to read that! Thanks for sharing
@Rob-Verhoeff hmmm. Apparently the huge screen/position lag is only Android related...
@StefanHummelink I want to follow a route. Don't pin-point execatly to the spot. As you probably now, a route through the Alps doesn't require that on the spot positioning. iOS also has a bit of lag in positioning, but not as massive as I read in som posts.
@StefanHummelink it’s a problem on all platforms! If you’re driving routes on backroads (like I also did in Luxembourg last week and Rob now in the Alps), you just don’t notice it that much. There just aren’t that many alternative roads
Driving in cities / highways is when the issue becomes noticeable.
There are 24 hours in a day and then you still have the night.... -
@Corjan-Meijerink said in New Beta! (v3.2.12):
Driving in cities / highways is when the issue becomes noticeable.
You have 3 days to fix this
@Nick-Carthew wanker
What is very funny (well, imho that is...) about the massive lag, is that the voice does NOT seem to be effected. We drove a route yesterday, and it struck me that voice guidance is spot-on, while the screen position lags massively (@Corjan-Meijerink, yeah Brabantse platteland has more sideways and crossings then Ardennes and Alps I guess
@Con-Hennekens that actually totally makes sense to us
The voice prompts are triggered by your exact location. The position delay on screen has other causes
@Corjan-Meijerink, that is incredibly strange for a non-developer like me... Putting a position on a map that is actually NOT the one given by the location services...? I am glad we have developers that actually know what they are talking about, but at the same time, if you knew what caused it, you would have resolved it by now.... It must be more complex than my brain can handle
@Con-Hennekens the position on the map is provided by the same location service. However, the arrow as drawn on the map wants a continuous animation while the location updates are discrete (based on a interval).
For every location update the arrow is animated between the previous location and the next based on an interpolation of the route you are driving. The locations need to be snapped to the road to account for gps inaccuracies. You also want to prevent the arrow to appear as jumping so animations are slightly delayed / sped up based on the discrete intervals. These are somewhat the most important factorsFor voice prompts, all the above don’t matter. You are at position x (with a confidence) and that triggers the instruction
@Corjan-Meijerink, okay, you actually know what you are talking about (but I already knew that
@Corjan-Meijerink said in New Beta! (v3.2.12):
@Con-Hennekens the position on the map is provided by the same location service. However, the arrow as drawn on the map wants a continuous animation while the location updates are discrete (based on a interval).
For every location update the arrow is animated between the previous location and the next based on an interpolation of the route you are driving. The locations need to be snapped to the road to account for gps inaccuracies. You also want to prevent the arrow to appear as jumping so animations are slightly delayed / sped up based on the discrete intervals. These are somewhat the most important factorsFor voice prompts, all the above don’t matter. You are at position x (with a confidence) and that triggers the instruction
@Corjan-Meijerink Oooooohhh, my engineering heart loves these technical in depth answers from you.
@StefanHummelink hahah thanks!
@Corjan-Meijerink You know what, sometimes I think you are just bored. You have even changed the little icon in the forum tab in the browser.
Great job man! I hope you will still have energy to ride (that was rhetorical statement; we always have energy to ride)
@UltraStar Hahaha, nice eye for detail
I'm never bored but sometimes the little things give energy for the big issues
Coming week will be a lot of riding for me!
It was actually @Bart-DM who inspired me to change that:
@Ian-foster-0 ik rijd op dit moment in de usa, maar het probleem is,dat de position indicator niet in het midden van het scherm blijft, dus is voortdurend zoek, mis ik wat in de instellingen? , Wie kan mij helpen