Suggestion; a clipboard
Could we have a clipboard for (several) positions.
Use case (from experience): you arrive in a small french medieval town around 11 in the morning, park the motorcycle, stroll around for an hour, have something really nice to eat, a coffee somehere else and then.... where the @#|{} have we parked that motorcycle... and that small town suddenly is not so small anymore.
Pushing a single "hold this position" button could save the day here and could also be helpful to store suddenly appearing marvels along the route to be stored as favorites (later when in the hotel) for future reference.
Finally, a "deviate from route (but not delete it) and go to this previously clipped position asap" button would be the cherry on the cake (i hope you like cake).
@Drabslab, I like cake... an "add POI" option would be very nice. We ALMOST have that option by using favorites in the Mobile app. Having a "fixed" favorite to store the current location of your bike, car or whatever would be nice indeed.
Both great ideas!
- about a month later
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA , In addition to the current 'Favorites' button, where you need to enter a 'name' for the point, wouldn't it be very convenient to automatically store the name as date&time stamp? That way only one button needs to be pressed. Later on you can then look it up and change the name if needed.
MyRoute-app community 8 Dec 2022, 12:20
I do not know if this is a good place, but I would like to have a "pause" button for the navigation. I do not think there is anything like that on the current navigation app.
Very often I stop and take my phone with me to some shops, restaurants, etc. Suddenly, there is a voice coming from my pocket: "Take a next right and then immediately turn left..." or something like that.
When I stop navigation, I have to restart it, and skip all the point up to the current location. -
@UltraStar Pausing Navigation won't be a feature. You can stop the Navigation (and keep the tracklog recording if you are doing that. You can pause / resume this separate from navigating).
After stopping the Navigation, you return in the Mobile app. From there you can simply restart the route you were driving. It will start again at waypoint one so you will need to skip to the one you want to continue at.
Future update will include:
- Selecting starting waypoint
- Starting automatically from nearest point
Easiest way right now to continue from say Waypoint 16 is to zoom out on the map and long press waypoint 16
Happy to help!
@Corjan-Meijerink Appreciate it.