Double Marker and CarPlay
@Corjan-Meijerink Might be linked to the Android Auto issue that was reported but similar experience with CarPlay with both Version 374 and 375.
I need to do some more testing but the 2 markers appear to happen when I started the route on the phone before I connect to CarPlay (wireless and wired). The blue marker is the start position and red is my actual position. (off screen in one screenshot). I had to close the app down in the phone and restart from the CarPlay monitor. Loading the route again on CarPlay without closing on the phone did not resolve the problem. On both occasions I was navigating route as a track.
Used the app for some short routes (not as track) and I have not experienced the issue again. I will do some more testing Thai next week.
I have the app logs if you need them but not sure whether they will cover the required error.
Dit lijkt op een soortgelijk probleem dat ik al verschillende keren gehad heb. Het scherm springt bij mij om de paar seconden dan van de ene positie naar de andere.
Corjan Meijerink