New beta! v4.3.0 (project sync)
Corjan Meijerink administrator last edited by Corjan Meijerink 21 Aug 2024, 07:08 21 Aug 2024, 07:07
@Stanisław If you enable the sync all, this will also ensure all your newly created routes will be synced.
To load the map, an internet connection is required at this point.
Therefore we added a pretty custom background and simply draw the shape of the route (when you're offline)If that doesn't give you enough info, just start the navigation and those offline maps will be used!
@Corjan-Meijerink I aswered to myself directly after posting the message, I can set it also for a folder so all new routes will be synced then. Thanks!
@Corjan-Meijerink Brill thank you. Sync is working brilliantly for me. More testing later.
Map styles is great and they look good on the phone. That said, they may need more contrast or vibrancy for CarPlay; I will see later.
@Corjan-Meijerink, Great update. It usually is, but this one is very special!
One small tip concerning the sync mechanism. I think a lot of users (like me) have many folders they seldomly use, and only few that get visited frequently. It would be great if the "sync all" feature could be available on a "per folder" basis. But then again, we already established that the memory impact of hundreds of routes is not really big, so for now I will go with the overall "Sync All" feature. Thanks for that! -
@Corjan-Meijerink super! Planned a day-tour for tomorrow so nice test opportunity
Copy: Bonus points to the person that discovers the favourite band of me and Joost.
My tip:
- I tap „Standart“ is better because motorways and expressways are red.
LG on the go
Another cool update!! Very happy with the new map colors!
Small tips/feedback:
- After opening the overview with all routes I get the message "Synchroniseren van bibliotheek". Then this disappears and the image jumps. Because of this jumping I have already pressed the wrong line a few times.
- I have to get used to the layout of the new overview of the routes. It looks a bit different than the rest of the app, but that is getting used to it I think. I don't know how it can be better either
Maybe you can do something with this feedback. Thanks for the update!!
I see what you mean. However on my phone the sync is really short if there is nothing to update. But when the syncing is done the routes are shift up a bit indeed. It hasn't bothered me yes, but I see what you mean. Maybe the message can be place over the list instead of on top of the list.
Hmmm, not really sure what has changed to be honest.
@Corjan-Meijerink Thanks
@Corjan-Meijerink The Android update is in the Play Store
@Corjan-Meijerink Wat is de werking van de “voertuigbeperkingen” in de Kaartstijl? Dank.
@Marinus-van-Deudekom If I change the map style on my phone I can see it changing in the settings but when I leave setting nothing seems changed and the old map is still what I see.
@Corjan-Meijerink I'm I missing something -
@Arno-0, Die instelling bepaalt vanaf welk type voortuig je de beperkingen-laag in de navigatielaag ziet. Zet je hem uit, dan zie je nooit beperkingen. Zet je hem op auto, dan dan zie je hem bij routes die gemaakt zijn met het auto-profiel, camper-profiel en-vrachtwagen-profiel. Zet je hem op camper, dan zie je hem bij het vrachtwagen en het camper-profiel, maar niet bij het auto-profiel.
Je stelt dus eigenlijk het lichtste voertuig-profiel in waarbij je die beperkingen wilt zien.
@Marinus-van-Deudekom, those settings are about navigating with the HERE maps. Start a route and you will see the difference
@Con-Hennekens thnkx Con
Corjan already how to do it. - 15 days later
A bit late to the party, but...
Groups / events / friends are not synced or available offline by default. You will still need to download these yourself and yes, they can be found in your downloads.
Whilst riding over the past 3 days in Wales (your favourite right, Corjan?), one of the group made his routes available via Friends. As mentioned above, you can't sync, so we all downloaded the routes the night before. No problem - all three days appeared and could be opened.
On opening the app the next morning the Downloads view was empty on the friend's phones. We tried this two days running - with the same result of Downloads being cleaned out, so we were forced to re-download every morning before setting off.
It would a real problem if we were out of coverage because only the route owner could lead the ride.
Or are we misunderstanding how Sync and Downloads interact?
@richtea999, That really surprises me! I checked and have at least one route from a friend in my downloads folder. That one may well be from before the new sync function. I cleared the folder out and put some new routes in from different friends and groups. I all check tomorrow if I can see a likewise behavior.
Hmm... while doing the above, I already found a big problem...After I downloaded some routes, always ONLY the downloads from the last routemenu session are visible in the download folder. As soon as you re-renter the routes menu, all items in the downloads folder are cleared. I have not seen this earlier, because all routes from before the sync update seem to survive these unintended clean-ups...
I will tag Corjan, but I know he is having vacation. I just don't know how to tag his colleagues directly. @Corjan-Meijerink, you will want to forward this one!
Thanks @richtea999 for your feedback!
Now at home, and having experimented a little more, the simplest way to lose your downloads is as you say - just re-open Routes after having downloaded your friend's route.
That cleans the Downloads out.
We must have carried on playing with other routes after downloading. My 'downloads lost over overnight' description is a red herring, as they say!
They disappeared immediately Routes was opened again, but we didn't go back and look, I suspect.
@richtea999 Fixed in the release (I've heard)