Suggestion: favorite features screen
a screen with 8? of the most useful features (configured by each individual user) that one would want to push while driving and without having to browse through menu's
skip next via-point
return to previous via point
avoid route for next 10km
turn on/off voice
terminate route and go to final destination asap
... -
That is a great list of options, just not too sure about "Avoid route for next 10km"?
What is your thinking on that one? -
@Steve-Lynch said in Suggestion: favorite features screen:
That is a great list of options, just not too sure about "Avoid route for next 10km"?
What is your thinking on that one?I think of being stopped by roadworks, an accident, or protesting farmers, or ... and instruct MRA Next to take an alternative route for the next 10? kilometer.
But all these are only examples. I would like to be able to select features of MRA Next and be able to bring these together on a a single screen to make them very fast accessible durign driving -
Ik zou graag 2 dingen aangepast hebben op het scherm. Ik rij met een BMW en heb mijn telefoon in een cradle zitten waardoor het scherm 90 graden gedraaid is, hierdoor zie ik op een iPhone 11 (toch een redelijk groot scherm) het volgende tankstation op de route niet. Dit icoon graag naar de andere kant verplaatsen zodat dit bij kantelen zichtbaar blijft. Kijk hier dan ook bij de navigatieapp Sygic waar je zelf kunt instellen wat je op je scherm wilt zien naast tankstations, zoals parkeerplaatsen, spoorwegen, landsgrenzen enz.
Trajectcontroles kijk hierbij naar de oplossing van tomtom hier zie je jou gemiddelde snelheid bij een trajectcontrole. Dit is de enige reden dat ik tomtom naast navigation moet gebruiken.
Voor de rest ben ik heel erg benieuwd, met de my route app hebben jullie goed werk verricht hopelijk is hier meer integratie van.
I would like to change 2 things on the screen. I drive a BMW and have my phone in a cradle so that the screen is rotated 90 degrees, so I can't see the next gas station on the route on an iPhone 11 (a fairly large screen anyway). Please move this icon to the other side so that it remains visible when tilted. Take a look at the navigation app Sygic where you can set what you want to see on your screen next to gas stations, such as parking lots, railways, national borders, etc.
Speed section checks look at the solution of tomtom here you can see your average speed at a section check. This is the only reason I have to use tomtom in addition to navigation.
For the rest I am very curious, you have done a good job with the my route app, hopefully there will be more integration of this.
Yes I get your thinking, and maybe swipe gesture to bring the user defined buttons into view.
Good shout. -
While this is not currently scoped, I do really like your idea of a customizable 'widget'-like screen. From a UX point of view I do think there should be a default one; both to illustrate the possibilities as well as to ensure onboarding of the more plug-and-play oriented user (ie: everyone you ride with that doesn't want to fiddle around with route planners and customizable apps).
Thanks for the once again great suggestions @Drabslab
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA said in Suggestion: favorite features screen:
there should be a default one
yes, of course as long as I as a user, can drop these standard features and drag/drop others in it. Important would be that the features in this widget screen do not require any other input than a simple push. This is to be used while driving so no time for entering parameters.
MyRoute-app community 8 Dec 2022, 12:20