Minimum tablet requirements for MyRoute App
@Gaetano-9, An Oukitel G2 could be the follow-up of my CAT, but I am really thrown off by marketeer lies like this:
It obviously has just only 4GB of RAM... It is like saying: "the battery is 12000mAh (2000 on board + 10000 in your powerbank)"
(Can't find the puking smiley) -
@Con-Hennekens ... you can find everything on the market, I searched real sites for information and in the end I chose the G1, knowing that it costs little and I can't expect too much. But reading the reviews on Amazon I noticed a certain coherence and so I acted. When it arrived I tried everything and if it didn't satisfy me I would have returned it. The advantage of Amazon is that if it doesn't satisfy you you send it back and you don't lose your money. what can I tell you... I'm satisfied with the G1 and I can finally manage MRA in the best way easily even on the motorcycle. find out about the G1 which seems better than the G2
@Con-Hennekens It would be helpfull if they were to put in the spec of the screen. HD+ Display isn't very helpfull. Sating how many nits it is makes it objective. Then you can decide wether or not it is good. For a minimun of 1000 nits or otrherwise it's of lesser use
@Gaetano-9, indeed... I falsly assumed the G2 would be the successor of the G1
. The G1 has more (real) memory and a bigger battery (and probably a much better camera setup which is of no concern if you dedicate the device to Navigation).
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in Minimum tablet requirements for MyRoute App:
For a minimun of 1000 nits or otrherwise it's of lesser use
That's a harsh conclusion ;-). Many people have been using older Zumo's that also have about 500 Nits brightness. My CAT reaches about 600 Nits. It is doable, though not ideal. The Oukitels have not enough nits to my liking indeed (the G1 has 400...).
I'm also surprised that the brightness (or nits) is so important. As you can see on my photo (one page before), the display is still bright enough even in sunny weather. Even with sunglasses I can still see everything from MRA. So I don't need 1000 nits, I get a tan from the sun
@Marinus have a look at the devices in the sun and don't believe everything that is written there. -
@Con-Hennekens He had deceived me too, then I thought that the best is always number 1
o give you a practical example, today I surfed on my motorbike for 4 hours and the battery dropped by only 20%.. with the screen at maximum and Spotify blasting at full blast! -
About the brightness it's true, it's not excellent but if you choose the right map, with strong contrasts, like Michelin, even in full sunlight and from behind my back, I saw the directions without problems, and I wear sunglasses and the helmet visor lowered. Of course, if it were brighter it would be better but I wonder... do we ride a motorbike to look at the world or do we ride a motorbike to look at a display?
Maybe the truth depends on how we understand the information of our trip. I plan a tour, usually with an average of 700 km.. I don't look for particular points of attraction, just the track, preferably curved and I avoid large cities and highways. If I discover something interesting along the way I stop, otherwise I continue to go on my track. So, what I need is to see the track on the display to follow, not to miss intersections, roundabouts, etc.. I don't go beyond that. My wife and I like to sit on the bike for as long as possible. So, a cell phone with these features is more than enough, also because I don't find it very safe to look at the display often. Others, however, understand the trip completely differently from mine, they prefer to have as much information as possible. The world is beautiful because it is varied.
@Con-Hennekens the conclusion comes from searching for a better device then the Garmin 660. Found that in the Zumo XT witch is 1000 nits. Perfect screen clear and visible in all circumstances. The thing with that is that it's not usable for MRA. Coming from the 660 and then continuing with the XT going back to less then 1000 nits is a no go for ME. Searching for a tablet with at least 1000 nits MY solution was the Thork T865X with 1300 nits. Yes its my preference and maybe for someone else a lesser quality screen is good enough. Like I said not for ME
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in Minimum tablet requirements for MyRoute App:
Oh, but I can agree with THAT of course. If you buy something new, you do not want to go for less
. But:
Like I said not for ME
actually you left out "for ME" in your post, so it sounded like "in general".