Open Street Map on Next APP
Hi, there are any update about the implementation of Openstreetmap navigation and map in Next app ?
I've notice that some mountain pass here in italy (expecially offroad) when i drive it with next navigation app, with the HERE calculate route are not permitted to drive and also not show, but with openstreetmap calculate route on web they are correctly show and draw.
I add an example:
HERE calculate Route
OpenStreetMap calculate routethanks
@Manzo91 If you create the route in HERE, you can selected "Disable seasonal closures" in the toolkit. That should do the trick.
This option is also available in the app before you start navigating.There is no ambition to create a navigation app based on OpenStreetMap
@Corjan-Meijerink hi Corian, thanks for your response.
As you can see, even if I disable stagional closure, HERE doesn't permit to ride the street.
The only way is to drive it by track:
Seems like HERE doesn't permit to drive by this street.
@Manzo91 that’s interesting.
Then another option is to place a waypoint as far as possible down that road. Then place one after that as close as possible and mark that one as offroad -
@Corjan-Meijerink i try that, and yes the only solution is the waypoint set as off-road. Thanks for your support!