automatic tracklog
I have set "automatically start tracklog" under the navigation settings. However, when using Apple CarPlay, nothing is logged during navigation, and nothing is saved when stopping. Why can't it be set so that the track is automatically logged every time the app is used in CarPlay?
Ralf -
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat The tracklog is only started for scenic or created routes. Not for A to B navigation.
And why is that so? Why aren’t all rides logged? That would be much nicer even by using Carplay
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat Deliberate choice.
Our users do not tend to be interested in automatic keeping track of AB routesStarting / stopping a tracklog from CarPlay is something that will be added in a future update.
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat, why would a plain A2B route be interesting enough to track?
I want to track and record all rides when the app is running.
There can always be interesting routes. -
This post is deleted! -
@Corjan-Meijerink said in automatic tracklog:
Starting / stopping a tracklog from CarPlay is something that will be added in a future update
Will this be added to Android Auto as well ?
Thanks ! -
Because of the winterseason it has been a while i used MRA.
Last season i've noticed a few times that the tracklog did not start when selecting a route direct in Android Auto.When start a route on the phone and then connect to Android Auto. The tracklog works fine.
I'm talking about preplanned routes, not A to B -
@M-Schrijver thanks, I had a support ticket about this a while ago. Should all be working as intended. If not, let me know.
@Adrian-Avram Yes! We tend to keep CarPlay and Android Auto in sync.
I just don't feel like constantly mentioning both -
@Con-Hennekens said in automatic tracklog:
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat, why would a plain A2B route be interesting enough to track?
Sometimes i just go out for a ride (not even a planned route or a simple A-to-B roite, jujst riding) and find myself ending up on a stretch of road which looks very interesting but can't exactly remember were it was afterwards. So tracklogging a route would be very helpful to find it back!
I had a try this korning when i drove to my work and automatic tracklog will not start by just a plain A to B route.
And what's the big deal not having it tracked automaticaaly? It's just 1 push on a button to have tracklogging working...
@Corjan-Meijerink said in automatic tracklog:
@M-Schrijver thanks, I had a support ticket about this a while ago. Should all be working as intended. If not, let me know.
I have a support ticket still open for this. When I start the route the tracking will only start when you start the route on your phone. Not when you open it on AA. When you have a stop and resume your route, you again have to open the app first before the tracking resumes. Also when you, during the stop, didn't pause the app on your phone.
@Nomko-Nomden said in automatic tracklog:
And what's the big deal not having it tracked automaticaaly? It's just 1 push on a button to have tracklogging working...
And what's the big deal having it tracked manually. It's just one push of a button...
Most people use A2B for driving... uhm... A2B. It's irritating having to throw away a recorded track each time.EDIT:
By the way, are you aware that you can also manually start tracking without an active route? -
@Con-Hennekens I'm aware of that all!
As I already mentioned, I use tracking more to trace back where I have been and where all those beautiful roads can be found so that I can later put it all back into 1 big route.