That's a pitty or bugger. I always like to see the delay if it's to long a take a break, only when a travel long distances.
New update! (4.0.4)
Corjan Meijerink administrator last edited by Corjan Meijerink 4 Sept 2023, 12:34 4 Sept 2023, 12:09
Hi everyone!
We've got quite a nice update for you this week!
It will probably be downloadable between this evening and Wednesday.Detailed lane assistance
Where applicable (mostly highways), you can now enable the app to show a detailed image of the lanes you should use.This information is only available on the primary roads. Within the screen layout settings, you can configure the lane instruction to be off / simple / detailed. The simple setting represents the lane instructions as you are used too
Spoken waypoint information
In the previous update, we changed the layout of presenting waypoint information.In the the audio settings of the app, you can choose between waypoint notifications off / via / all.
- Off: never spoken
- Via: only viapoints are mentioned
- All: both via- and shapingpoints are mentioned
In the previous app version, this would just be a generic notification about approaching a waypoint. In the update, a feature unique for MRA is added. The title and possible description of the waypoint are actually read to you!
We are sure you will enjoy the MyRoute-app text-to-speech service
If you want to repeat the audible description of the waypoint, simply press the displayed information on your screen.
Note: if the title of a waypoint is merely an address and no description is present, we do not read it to you. If you truly want a waypoint to be read to you; either ensure no numbers are present in the name or add a description.
Improved warnings for motorhomes
To ensure you do not crash your motorhomes into tunnels, we enhanced the warnings specifically for your vehicle dimensions.If you exceed (or are very close to) the dimensions of the upcoming road, you receive an audio / visual warning. We also added the applicable restrictions as icons to the map.
Note: these are only displayed when driving a motorhome route. Ensure you set your vehicle dimensions correctly
Voice prompt configuration
Quite some people were annoyed with the amount of voice prompts you would get for each instruction. You can now select an amount between 1 and 4 voice prompts per instruction.
The lower the number, the less instructions you receive.1 = action only, 2 = 1 + distance reminder, 3 = 2 + general reminder, 4 = 3 + furthest possible announcement.
Note: 0 is not available because if you do not want any voice prompts, just turn it off
Note: apart from the action instruction, the others are not guaranteed to exist
Automatically start tracking
Do you often forget starting a tracklog? Simply turn on this setting!When driving a (scenic) route, the tracklog will automatically start.
Note: AB routes won't be recorded automatically
Updated settings
More settings as described above are available. These are the updated settings.Automatic resuming and recenter camera
Ever had a brake and forgot to resume your tracklog?
Did you had a drop of rain messing with your screen?Issues of the past! When we detect you are moving, a paused tracklog will automatically resume and the camera will refocus on your position after 5 seconds of continuous movement.
Note: only works while navigating and cannot be turned off
Fixed issues
- Grey screen (mostly Android) when resuming navigation
- Audio channel configuration iOS - this should solve the volume issues / radio interrupt you were experiencing
- Some Android Auto stability improvements
Minor changes
- Account screen can be used when not logged in - allowing users to change settings or view their downloads even when not logged in.
- After editing a route and going back to the app, the app refreshes the information about that route
- Improved adding favorites - you can now immediately edit a saved favorite
- If audible warnings are enabled, a notification will be played when a waypoint is skipped
- CarPlay / Android Auto: fixed issue where map was zoomed in too much after reopening the app.
That's it
So what is coming up?
- Still investigating and working on a solution for battery usage with HERE
- Android Auto & CarPlay stability
- Android Auto & CarPlay features
- Next update will contain nearby fuel stops!
Enjoy this update!
Corjan -
@Corjan-Meijerink do you know when it will be available in Google Store
@Marinus-van-Deudekom This public release will probably be available before Wednesday. Sometimes Google / Apple complete their reviews within a day, mostly within 2 and sometimes in more
@Corjan-Meijerink Nice job MRA team!
I don't know if i ask an new function or i didn't look very wel but in the field Time and Duration at the bottem you see only the the extra travel time if plan a route, lets say from a to b and there is a congestion, but if you start to navigate you don't see the extra delay any more. Is this an option or a bug?
@Cleo that's correct. The exact amount of delay isn't displayed anymore when you started navigating
That's a pitty or bugger. I always like to see the delay if it's to long a take a break, only when a travel long distances.
@Corjan-Meijerink iOS is available waiting for Android
Thanks team, its nice to see the updates rolling through regularly.
@Corjan-Meijerink De update werkt geweldig. Is zeer duidelijk bij de aanduiding voor de afslagen. Is weer echt top werk!
@René-en-Charissa-Bol Hi, Android is available
richtea999 5 Sept 2023, 17:17
@Corjan-Meijerink en de Android update is ook beschikbaar
1 minuut voor mijn trip van 125 km nog snel geïnstalleerd.
Met Android auto gereden.
Gesproken aanwijzingen waren nu hard genoeg.
Geen uitval op app crash gehad.
Lane assist was bijna perfect, althans op de telefoon want op het scherm van de radio was Lane assist helaas nog niet zichtbaar.
Van de week op de motor de volgende test doen
Good job team