I must comment, this was an interesting thread, as I had the same problem when I opened my routes later in the year to the Austrian Alps, they had changed, I presumed this was due to road closures etc.
this thread changed to a native language, yes I know I could copy and paste into google translate. but I have no idea if there is a fix, or an answer.
can I ask, when you save a route, there seems to be a possibility that it will change each time you open it.
if I saved the route to a file on my computer and then reimported it at a later date would it be the original or will it change to suit the road closures on that particular day etc.
If I send the saved route to a friend via email, there is a good chance that the original planned route would not be the same.
this is definitely something I will need to be aware of in the future.
this does seem strange, but I imagine it's beyond the fix for the MRA gang.
I do have "disable seasonal closures" ticked