Faltan carreteras en HERE
Cรณmo ya sabรฉis, en el mapa here faltan ciertas carreteras.
Es una pena tener que acabar el dia navegando con OsmAnd..
No seria posible poder seleccionar con que mapa queremos navegar (openstreet/here)?
It is indeed possible that there is a difference between the routes. See this (Dutch) post: https://forum.myrouteapp.com/topic/2908/afwijkende-route
Long story short:
- Traffic optimisation is always turned on in the app. In a future update this can be turned off (see Navigation Preferences)
- The website uses an older version of HERE whereas the app uses the latest one. This will be aligned in a future update.
If it does concern an actual mapping error of HERE. These can be reported on this website: https://mapfeedback.here.com/#/report
Corjan Meijerink
@Corjan-Meijerink perfect. Thanks!!