I will have my phone on the bike fixed with a quadlock
I have sygic and of course google maps.
im kinda thinking subscribing to the MRA phone app would have been sensible, instead of a years subs for the PC version lol
I am setting off for the NC500 tomorrow, i have loaded my route to the Nav as instructed.
ive converted it within the Unit and all seems set.
As this is my first time following a route ive made on MRA, is there anything i should know.
or is it just as simple as pressing go, and following as normal?
I did a route on Tyre a long time ago on an old Tomtom Rider.... had a nightmare the route ended up in a mess.
I probably did something wrong i know that
I just dont want the 7 day trip ive done spoiling
route - https://www.myrouteapp.com/en/social/route/4766372?mode=share
@Sheldon-Barnes I would split the route into daily rides. It will load faster and will be easier to edit if needed.
Have a good trip.
Ok, will do.
The instruction is to turn off calculation on the device.
is that the best way to follow the route i created.
I assume if i do take a wrong turn, i will just have to turn round and get back on course.
What Nick said is sound advice but I would go one step further.
Having a single device, BMW Nav 6 in your case, is also to have a single point of failure.
My advice would be to have a back up plan.
There are loads of free Phone Apps you can use and export your MRA Route to.
For a long time when I had an iPhone 6S, MRA Navigation was my backup plan for my Garmin 595 LM and then the Tom Tom 550, when I buggered those tiny little pins on the 595 LM when replacing the battery.
Recently I purchased a Garmin Zumo XT mainly because of the larger text on that device and my ageing eyes.
The Tom Tom 550 is now my backup up plan.
I carry both the Garmin XT and the Tom Tom 550 on every trip I do whether itās a day out or a full on multi day or multi week tour.
If you are travelling with others then MRA is the perfect solution as it can pretty much export to any hardware Sat Nav and also most GPX phone apps.
If you are riding with others then ask what devices they have and share your MRA route with them in the appropriate GPX format.
I will be doing the NC 767 this summer, cant wait
I will have my phone on the bike fixed with a quadlock
I have sygic and of course google maps.
im kinda thinking subscribing to the MRA phone app would have been sensible, instead of a years subs for the PC version lol
@Sheldon-Barnes said in MRA Route to BMW Nav6:
im kinda thinking subscribing to the MRA phone app would have been sensible, instead of a years subs for the PC version lol
I would have to disagree on that one.
The MRA Route Planner is in my view the most feature rich Route planning software out there.
And I am not just blowing the āproverbial smokeā up MRAās a**e.
As riderās we sometimes change bikes if we can afford it, often we change Sat Navās (they all have shelf lives!) and Phone Apps.
This is where MRA Route Planning becomes unique IMO.
Pretty much every other Route Planning Software out there wants to lock you into their system exclusively, with MRA Route Planner they will have you covered, as much as feasibly possible, to allow you to transfer your route to the hardware or software you are using at that time.
Enjoy the trip safe in the knowledge that you do indeed have a back up plan.
Ride safe and enjoy .
All i am saying is that if my Nav6 cant read the route as i hoped, then it would have been nice to have the MRA navigation app to fall back on.
Going off recent posts ive seen, sygic doesnt work anymore with MRA.
Im sure ill be fine, if all else fails i have my paper map
I will add one last thing then as I didnāt see it in this thread, apologies if it was covered elsewhere.
Zoom in as far as you can to every waypoint you have created and ensure that they are all exactly on the route line.
As the Nav 6 is a Garmin based device they can be pretty unforgiving if the Waypoints are not exactly on the line, based on my experience with the Zumo 595 some time ago and now the Garmin Zumo XT.
On day 2 of my trip.
Having a bit of a nightmare.
There is no instructions all I have is a black line that's hard to see.
But the nav unit isn't following it or providing any information.
Today I got lost and ended up just putting the campsite in the Nav and setting fastest route.
The plans I used off MRA don't work.
I made the routes, exported to my nav as gpx 1.1 BMW
on my device I then converted the tracks and used the route planner to load the route.
It just draws straight lines from way point to waypoint... obviously thinks I'm in a helicopter lol
Once I start moving, the highlighted straight lines disappear and I just have faint black lines
Hi Sheldon, that is not good, maybe this will help.
Only use the track and let your navigator convert it to a route
Start your route only if:
You are on the starting point
You have connection with min 3 satellite
Only a route from MRA gives straight lines on older Garmins, when you use the track it works fine as far as I know
Could it be that you accidentally use the original route instead of the converted track? Did you go through the correct steps to convert the track?
If you export a route from MRA as GPX 1.1 BMW, the NAV will receive a route and a track. You do not use this route. So do not import if the device asks for it.
Go to the track on your nav and specify "Show on Map" in the properties. Then you can adjust the display color to your liking at "Set Color".
Then "Convert to Trip"