What is the best option for old Calimoto User ?
I was a Calimoto user. Most of my trip preparation was on a bigger screen, so the web interface. I was alway re-look my map, and compare it with GoogleMap with the "traffic option" on to look at closed road, and change my plan trip to avoid them.
Then when i was ready, i fix my phone on the bike, open the map and ryde !
Then, i change my bike, that came with Android Auto.. But the other one not supporting Calimoto. So i drive last year with the bike application the same way i did (their website, push the map on the bike screen and drive).. But i depend on the bike computer to provide proper ryde, sometime it's not that perfect like having my phone connect using Android Auto...
I don't like the auto-route option on any type of application, as i want to prepare all of my drive the day before. Sometime i'm looking at Streetview to check if it's a paved road... or not. I not necessary avoir unpaved road.. some in Quebec are better thant the paved one...
So if i want to replicate what i want.. Do i only need MyRoute App ? (i'm heading the lifetime membership) .. and with that, can i still use my computer (big screen) to plan my trip .. or i need 2 products to acheive that ?
@Banshees First of all welcome.
It seems like you are serious about planning your routes and you like to use Google StreetView so I would suggest that you should take a Gold route planner subscription.
And if you want to navigate your routes using AndroidAuto, you will also need an MRA Navigation Next subscription.