MRA Next - Android vs iOS
I'm trying to see what the concensus is with the current version of MRA Next running natively on the Android and iOS platforms. Does a particular OS offer a better experience with less issues than the other?
@Ron-Z Judging by the questions asked in this forum and I speak from experience as an iPhone user. iPhones seem to be more stable.
@Ron-Z If you ask me, you'll get a rather biased answer. I see everything from Apple through rose-colored glasses...
Off topic:
I have no problems on Android devices. I use Samsung, Doogee and Oppo.
The Android devices I use are not high end (at all) but mid-range and much cheaper then Apple devices.Sometimes there is a glitch or GPS is not that aquarate. But In general I don't think its because of Android but more related to the device I use and the hardware that is inside it.
I don't want to start a war between Android or Apple users
but I'm just not a Apple lover for many reasons but in general there hardware is good.
But there are some problems with navigating with Apple devices on a motor. (I believe there camera is real sensitive for vibrations)What kind of OS do you use?
I advice to stay with the OS you are already using. -
@Ralph-Janssen I have both Android and Apple devices, and can use either my Android table or my iPhone. I also have a CarPlay screen, but I'd prefer to use MRA Next natively. So I could use either OS. And there's no issue with my iPhone's camera failing - I have a vibration adapter on my QuadLock mount which I've been using for some time with no issues. I've also heard some Android phones can be subject to camera failures from vibration.
@Ron-Z I did not read your signature
But reading now I would say, take your Active tab 5.
Everything I will say is a kind of Android bias and specially the Active Tab series because I want one as well
Its rugged, it can handle rain, its 8" so it ticks almost all boxes I think are important.
Only the Nits should be a bit higher. but you cannot have everything at onceBut take the device, or OS you like. not based on the stability of the OS in combination with MRA next.
From my point of view, it should be stable, glitch free on both OS.But maybe some else has a different point of view
@Ralph-Janssen the only thing with the Samsung active tav is its screen. For ME not bright enough. That's why I'm using a Thork Racing T865X 8 inch tablet. With its 1300 nits screen very good. Not cheap but its great. I also have a Samsung S20FE phone. The only problem with that is its screen, only 600 nits do in full sunlight you can't see shi... On it. But it stays stable using MRA. Also I'm allergic to most things called Ap...
@Marinus-van-Deudekom The Galaxy Tab Active 5 is close to 800 nits brightness, and I’ve had no trouble seeing the screen in bright sunlight. Yes, 1300 nits is brighter, but the Tab Active 5 works just fine for me at less than half the price.
@Ron-Z that's ok Ron. I guess I'm a bit older so I need more Britness in my screen and I'm willing to pay for the extra comfort
I have driven last weekend with a T20mini and It has only 350 nits.
And in general use, it worked fine. Offcourse there could be much improvement in direct sunlight.
But i would be more then happy to have a 800Nits screen like the Active tab or more like the Thork or Hugerock.But specially Thork or Hugerock are to expensive at the moment.
@Ron-Z, consensus is in the eyes of the beholder...
The Android/Apple flamewar is always a running gag, isn't it @Rob-Verhoeff ?The fact is that Android has many options for cheap rugged devices, if you want to have one dedicated to navigation Apple has not. Personally I would not mount my daily high-end phone to my handlebar, whether it is an Android or an Apple device. But when you have an older one to spare, why not?
As far as the OS concerns, just pick what you are accustomed to, if you do not want to get accustomed to something else.
@Ron-Z said in MRA Next - Android vs iOS:
Does a particular OS offer a better experience with less issues than the other?
There is more variation across Android and Apple devices than there is in MRA across both devices!
MRA works well on both platforms. I've used it on several different variants of Android (mostly Samssung and OnePlus) and a couple of Apples. I just use the current phone, whatever that is.
Not to add fuel to the fire, but from various threads and postings both here and on other forums, it does seem iOS is a more stable environment. Android can have many differences in hardware, and even a variance of operating systems. This can make developing for Android a challenging experience, that may require work-arounds and such. Apple's walled garden has a more tightly integrated OS, and I've heard from many developers that iOS is easier to program for than Android.
That said, I haven't experienced any issues with my limited time running MRA Next on my Android tablet. I need to further test out both OSs to see what works better for me.