Waypoints Time of Arrrival - Waypoint Menu
I use the Waypoint Menu all the time and this is an awesome feature with the information that can be displayed. That said, it would be really helpful for me to have ETA included as well as the current route distance and travel time to a particular Waypoint. As an aside, ETAs for each waypoint can be seen in the route planner.
I know I can do quick maths but only if I can see the clock in the top band on Android but this is not present on iOS. Just a thought as sometimes I need to make a Waypoint by a certain time (Group RV, Petrol Station Closing, Ferry Check In etc) - I tend to put this times in the Waypoint title and/or additional info in the notes as appropriate.
Would be really handy as I use the menu all the time and have needed to know ETA at certain waypoints on a number of occasions on big rides. Allows me to decide on skipping waypoints or changing my expected route.
Keep up with the great work MRA Team.
@Dave-J-0 done
@Corjan-Meijerink Wow. Brilliant