22 Mar 2020, 13:56


Hai Guzzist, I have to add something very important (at least in my book).

We should not only think about our governments, that is too easy. For many people Governments are only there to be blamed for raising too many taxes when there is nothing else to complain about, for "not doing enough" or for "not being ready enough" when there is one or another crisis. I think we all together hold a very big and long term responsibility for the readiness of our country to cope with corona, or a financial crisis, or criminality or ... We only lost control of the government because we, as a copmmunity, did not bother to have control, and vote consciously for good people and long term solid ideas instead of ...

Under corona times, and in Belgium, the biggest problem is not the government, or the health sector, its individual Belgians who think it is funny to organise shutdown parties, find all kinds of "clever" ways to go around the established emergency rules ... It is just flabbergasting: students organising parties at one's home instead of in the pub, footbal supporters mass gathering in front of the stadion because they are not allowed in ...

I do know a nurse (54 year's old) who caught the desease, most likely from a 20 year old nobody who went to hospital with mild symptoms after a house party. She is wearing an oxigene mask now. You give above a few "no-one cares" examples. That is the whole problem. We tend to live in careless selfishness until something hits us, and then, of course it is all the fault of the government, or the immigrants, or the ....

I can't say what I think about all that because we are supposed to stay polite on this forum and my opinion on this is definitively NOT polite. Maybe I can still safely quote Albert Einstein - Only Two Things are Infinite, The Universe and Human Stupidity, and I Do Not Know About The Former.