How to avoid shortcuts
In the tour I did yesterday, the app kept wanting me to do unplanned shortcuts in myroute web, as in this case:
In the picture you can see how I designed the route, when I was there the app would tell me to take the route in red and it did this in several countries, often wanting me to go through very narrow or even unpaved roads, if the diversions is short on the display you understand not to take that diversions, but if the diversions is long you don't understand on the fly not to take that diversions.
There is some option in the app that prevents you from taking these shortcuts but to stick to the route that you see in myroute web.
@ginogino you have to put in more shaping points
Typically on a 200/250km route I put about 40, to avoid detours of a few hundred metres I would have to put no less than 200 and doing that seems like overkill.
Technically @Marinus-van-Deudekom has a point but not really that useful because it’s not like you’re going to put a point in every bend
This should not really have happened unless you’ve been deviating a lot before reaching this point. Then the app will start skipping waypoints as you seem to miss part of the route. If this happened, you will have been notified.
Could you share the link of the route?
@ginogino on a 200/250 km route 40 waypoints could be enigheid deoending on the surroundings, but there’s more to it then Just the Numbers of shapingpoints. If you share the route like @Corjan-Meijerink asjed maybe you could also add hij that you’ve Made this route, with witch map etc
The route link is in the first post, I did not deviate from the route, I only had to restart navigation a third of the way along the route because I stopped at a point where there was no phone signal and when I restarted the navigation did not work, I walked down the mountain to where I found phone signal and started navigation from there and from there I never deviated from the route and I never received any warnings that I had missed waypoints.
@ginogino did you have the route on your phone because normale when loding the internet connection the app would go to offline navigation automaticly. The link is niet in the first post
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in How to avoid shortcuts:
@ginogino did you have the route on your phone because normale when loding the internet connection the app would go to offline navigation automaticly. The link is niet in the first post
The link is here: