Gps location is way off sometimes.
hello it happens regularly that I drive far off the road on the map while I'm driving on the road on my motorcycle. I use Apple CarPlay. I've tried 5 different iPhones and they all have the same problems. People I drive with don't have this problem with their Android car. i had already found online that I should let the motorcycle determine the time via gps, but this was already on. my motorcycle can only do CarPlay and not Android car, so I can't test whether it's the motorcycle with an Android device. anyone have a good tip? or is this a bug in myroute app?
@Wilco-Jansen, if it happens again, can you take a picture or screenshot?
(please pull over to do so!) -
@Wilco-Jansen Are all the waypoints placed directly on the road itself and not beside the road?
And as @Con-Hennekens asks, please make a screenshot and post it here.
Yes they are on the road im a myroute app user from the first day off. I can take a foto or a print screen but the only thing you will see is a different location on the map then the real location.
It is not all the time but some times it is way of the road to 500 meters so it thinks im driving somewhere else and it starting to calculate a new route, and after that sometimes after a few kilometes it starts to work again and sometimes a restart of the app fix it. And it also not on places like with high buildings and stuf, most of the time it is in the open.
My wife also uses myroute app om her Android phone with her Chigee navigation and dont has any problems with the same route file. So it must be in the iPhone but i did try 5 different iPhones so thats not the case. So it must be in the myroute app Navigation but i dont know how to solve it!