Actual driving speed is WAY off
Recently, I am seeing the displayed actual speed is of by a factor of 7 or more. Tiday while driving 35Mph the screen was showing the correct speed limit but a driving speed of 7
@Donald-LaRue What that on the MRA Next app on your mobile phone? And if so, which brand/model is your phone?
Please provide us with more of these details.
@Nomko-Nomden Samsung Galaxy S22
Hi, Same on my Samsung S20, actual speed shows 12 mph when i am doing 70. Oddly on the Android Auto dispaly is shows as 10 mph. I was doing a simple point to point navigation, and mostly worked fine.
@Donald-LaRue said in Actual driving speed is WAY off:
Samsung Galaxy S22
Yes, but did you have an active Android Auto connection?
@Tony-13 said in Actual driving speed is WAY off:
on the Android Auto dispaly is shows as 10 mph.
Do you exprience the same behaviour without the Android Auto connection?
@Con-Hennekens yes. The actual speed is off with or without the android auto.
On mine Adroid Auto makes all the difference. Correct speed is shown on the app if Android Auto is not used. Should I raise a ticket to get this looked at?
@Tony-13 yes, please. Speed is incorrect on my phone even when phone is not connected to android auto.
@Tony-13, Do you by any chance own a Ford?
I use Ford Sync3 and experienced very strange behaviours concerning the speed indication... Corjan pointed me to the Android Auto setting on the phone and asked me to disable the right on location services (for the Android Auto app). As contra-productive as that seems, the app falls back to its own location service, instead of that from your AA device. That, for me, solved my problem. -
@Con-Hennekens I have a Jeep Wrangler. The speed is wrong even without using Android Auto. It had been correct before the last update.
In my case the actual driving speed fluctuate enormous from time to time.
From -- to 180 km/u and back in less than than a second. This causes also strange visual behaviour on the screen. The navigation arrow jumps over the screen in this situation.MRA Next is the only navigation app which has this behaviour.
Never saw this with: Google Map, Waze, TomTom Go, Amigo and Flitsmeister. -
@Con-Hennekens yes it is a Ford with SYNC 3. I will try that, thank you
@Donald-LaRue, In that case I can only advise to submit a support ticket at
@Tony-13, I love to hear about it
Finallly checked. As suggested I turned off location permissions in the Android App. Now MRA displays the correct speed on my phone and on the Android App screen in my car. Thank you
The GPS information that Ford sends to the phone is really corrupted
@Corjan-Meijerink, seemingly yes. I don't mean to be overly critical (you know me
) but it is funny to see that MRA app and HERE WeGo (based on the same HERE SDK) are suffering from it, while other apps like gMaps and FlitsMeister seem not to suffer from it. There seems to be a link to the HERE SDK?