switching map view (day/night) resets map style
Whenever I switch between day and night display of the map (not the app theme!), the map's layout style which can be set via settings > navigation settings > map > map style > output (?! sorry, my app is German and I couldn't find a setting to switch in to English in order to give the right menu items; in German, the path is: Einstellungen > Navigationseinstellungen > Kartenebene > Kartenstil > Ausgabe) resets to "Explore (Standard)". Personally, I prefer to have the map display the "simplistic" style, but whenever I switch between day and night view, I have to set it to "simplistic" again manually. That's a little annoying - especially while driving with gloves on - and probably quite an easy fix. The problem occurs both when I switch between day/night view on the Android phone and via my Android Auto device.