@Corjan-Meijerink : Bedankt voor je reactie. Ik heb een support ticket aangemaakt met alle gevraagde info toegevoegd.
Bad experiences with round trip routes
This morning my precious time to do a rather short ride was pretty much ruined by this app (and this was not the first time).
Today I had some time for a short ride so I let the app create a round trip of 55km. The suggested route looked very fun and would take me to the beach and back. It would take 1 hour and 10 minutes. I was excited.
One third into the route the distance and time changed to 15km and 14 minutes and I discovered it was directing me back home! Even via the highway, which I set to avoid when creating the round trip.
I stopped and created a new round trip from that location. It suggested almost the same route, via the beach. So I started again.
After 20 minutes I missed a turn but did an immediate turnaround back onto the route. After a few minutes I discovered that the app had done some re-routing and now the route was 85km and 2 hours! I followed it for some time and discovered that it was directing me back to the starting point and wanted me to redo the entire route from that point.
At this point my riding-time was up because of an appointment I had later on.
This was a horrible experience and as said in the opening of this post it was not the first time. The re-routing this app does is horrible. Also when navigating from A to B. One missed turn and it fucks up your route.
Now I feel the need to create a set of custom round trips of different lengths from home with the route builder (which is very good) and use other apps like Scenic for A to B navigation and on-the-fly round trips.
@Dries-Smulders sorry for the experience you had.
Could you confirm you are using version 4.3.4?
If so, can you generate the same roundtrip again and save it? Then share the link to that route and I’ll have a look what could have gone wrong. Please indicate where the deviation occurred that resulted in you being sent straight back to the end.If you create a support ticket mentioning me, this forum message and attach your logs (long press the version number at the bottom of the account page, where all the settings are) I will assist you further.
Especially since the last update, I would expect this to work way better.
@Corjan-Meijerink : Bedankt voor je reactie. Ik heb een support ticket aangemaakt met alle gevraagde info toegevoegd.