@Andre-Trudeau said in Only a few things to make this my day to day GPS app!!:
I would really like to have my current speed/speed limits, street names displayed on the map regardless if I am navigating or not. I want to use this app as a day to day situational awarness but this stops me. I do not see why this cannot be displayed as the app knows where I am
The so-called 'free driving' mode, where speed information is also displayed, has already been submitted as a feature request and is on the backlog.
Automatic track recording is great but I wish it would stop when I finish the track/route. Kind of pain to have to also terminate the recording.
On last suggestion: Please make the route/track finish and go back to normal map/ready to navigate again when I reach my destination. I have use this on trips only to tell me to go back to the hotel once I got there, checked in and riding to the restaurant!
The fact that navigation does not stop is 'by design.' There are both proponents and opponents of this approach within this forum. Personally, I like how it is now. Especially when you're searching for a parking spot in a busy city center and need to drive past your destination. With your request, navigation would stop. In my case, navigation would simply continue. Having to manually stop navigation is no issue at all. I have to take my phone out of the holder anyway.
But as I mentioned earlier, there are just as many supporters as there are opponents of the current navigation method.