CarPlay and Waypoint List
Using the MRA App with CarPlay in the car and on my bike more and more. Works really well but there is one feature I really miss and that is the Waypoint List with distances, times with coloured markers and obvious progression as well as the ability to skip forward or go back to waypoints.
Aware of CarPlay limitations but is there any way that this list could be included as an option in the search submenu?
Similarly, can the skip waypoint button show current waypoint number and the colour i.e. red, green etc? Several times today, I was not sure which waypoint the app was navigating to due to an intended overlapping and crossing route line.
Adoption of these two requests would make the MRA CarPlay utilisation better when on complicated routes. The Waypoint List, for me, would be better than having to rely on using the route overview button where it is not always easy to see progress and which waypoint you are heading for if the route is complex and crosses over a number of times.
@Dave-J-0 Yes, this is definitely something we will implement in a future update