Is there any way to change the icon or colour of a custom placed POI? I haven't found any way to do this, so if there isn't I'd like to suggest it as a possible feature to be added in the future.
Change icon and colour of custom POI
Is there any way to change the icon or colour of a custom placed POI? I haven't found any way to do this, so if there isn't I'd like to suggest it as a possible feature to be added in the future.
@Jorge-del-Valle no way
@Jorge-del-Valle Only if you make that POI a waypoint. Than you can change the color of that WP into a color shown in the palet.
@Rob-Verhoeff I thought that was the case. I'm after a way to do it for POIs that are not really part of my route, but near it. And actually for POIs that I place myself and don't already exist as such.
Not a huge issue, but it would be good to have, as right now if I place 5 of those near my route they are all blue and have the same icon, so it's harder to remember what each one is without tapping on them. Hopefully an improvement that will be added in the future.
- about a month later
@Jorge-del-Valle It would be very nice to give your own icon to your own imported POI. Now you cannot see the difference between the several uploaded POI files.
The whole POI system wil likely get some TLC during the upcoming overhaul of the planner website.