Routing Preferences Not Preserved
MRA does not appear to remembeer my route preferences and I have to select them every time I set up a route.
Also, Once a route has been calculated with correct preferences and navigation is underway, if I deviate from the route, when MRA recalculates, again it does not apply the rout preferences that were chosen at the begining of the route.
Example, selected a route avoiding highways (which I always do on motorcycle), I had to take a diversion from the route, when MRA recalculated it tried to route me on to the motorway that was close by. -
@Angelo-Greco the routeplanner indeed won’t save the preferences. Within the app, we only persist the A-B routing settings for the fastest route (avoid highway, toll & ferries).
I believe the settings are used correctly on recalculation but I’ll check that
@Corjan-Meijerink , So every time I open the app I will need to set my navigation preferences?
@Angelo-Greco, no, not if you stick with fastest route (the straight line choice in the navigation app). Just tested that.