Testing Navigation Next while driving in Brabant (NL) with Michel and Serge
New day, new test!
After 450 km yesterday around the ijsselmeer (https://forum.myrouteapp.com/topic/2775/testing-navigation-next-while-driving-around-ijsselmeer-nl) I was going to drive another test with Michel and Serge. This time we were going for a nice extended drive through Brabant.
Once again, the test went excellent and we were all very satisfied with the results!
The app worked flawlessly on their Android tablets mounted to their bikes. Besides the known issues that exist with a very first earlier stage internal test no real knew issues were uncovered. The only nice extra test information we got was that the battery usage on Android is slightly higher than expected. Something to look into
Given the fact that the app worked without real issues, the drive became more enjoyable. There was a great atmosphere as there wasn't any stress about the app. What a difference compared to the first tests of the current Navigation app. This promises great stuff for the future of this app!
The app handled the low temperature, offroad sections and recalculations without any problem! Bad internet connections and constantly switching networks while driving around the border with Belgium also did not cause any significant issues.
We had a great day and drove around 500km (https://www.myrouteapp.com/track/open/440216). It was my first ride with Michel and Serge but given the extraordinary success of this one, I am sure that more will follow!
It were 2 great days of testing! More to come but now it's time to switch from driving to typing
so I can improve the app
Corjan -
Corjan Meijerink
Corjan Meijerink
Corjan Meijerink
@Corjan-Meijerink Excellent news for MRA Navigation Next and great that you all had a good time.
Goed nieuws, nu de puntjes op de i. Ik zie dat jullie het gezellig gehad hebben. Toppers
@Corjan-Meijerink great news with the app - and it sounds like you had a great ride as well!
Awesome. -
@Rachel75-0 hope you have enjoy your travel here in Portugal. If you ever come again to Portugal maybe we can meet
@Jose-Pinheiro-0 Don't get your hopes up, she? is a spammer.