Does not integrate with Android Auto on Honda very well!
I am VERY DISAPPOINTED with this MRA Navigation app.
I have been a client since the very beginning of MRA and before when it was Tyre to Travel and I voluntarily subscribed payment when it was free.
The MRA route planning is good and I use it to prepare routes to transfer to my TomTom 550. When the original MRA Navigation was separate from the route planner it worked ok on the samsung phone. However, sunlight was a problem and still is when using phone only as a navigation aid. So I waited until the new MRA Navigation app stated that it was now compliant with Android Auto before paying for the lifetime subscription. In my Honda car it partially works but is still bug ridden. Also on the Android screen you cannot access all your saved routes, only the latest one??? It will not work at all with the Honda NT1100 Android screen - connects but the wait spinner keeps turning without downloading the map? The screen on the Honda is superb in sunlight as is the TomTom Rider 550 screen. So the Navigation part of the app is of no use to me on the motorcycle - a great shame.
@OGRIII : Sorry , ich denke du brauchst noch etwas Geduld, das wird schon noch werden.
Das Navigieren mit der Handy App geht sehr gut und diese Car Funktionen sind noch in der Entwicklung, aber es wird schrittweise besser , was Gutes braucht seine Zeit VG
@Hubert-Thoring Danke Hubert. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Recht, aber die Geduld lässt nach einer Weile nach, vor allem, wenn Sie im Voraus für Software bezahlt haben, die weit davon entfernt zu sein scheint, zufriedenstellend zu sein!
@OGRIII Some more detailed information about the issue could help us to resolve it. I'd recommend contacting our customer support.
Regarding the routes, we will add showing your entire route list later on.
Coming update (which is now in beta) already contains a lot of improvements to Android Auto
@Corjan-Meijerink thank you Corjan - I await the updates that I hope will resolve some of the problems I am encountering.