Pointer not repositioning correctly after scolling
I had this intermittently a couple of times on different routes where, while on route, I zoomed out and scolled around to see the route and when I clicked the north arrow button to go back to my current position and continue following the route, the pointer was off to the side of the screen on one occasion, on another it was centered but closer to the top of the screen which was hard to see what was coming next.
See attached screenshot.
@mouckatrongmail-com, Most likely thing to have happened is that you accidentally swiped over your screen a bit. Some screens are so sensitive that they do not even have to be touched physically. Tapping the compass should recenter again.
@Con-Hennekens Afraid not, the position of the pointer on the screen is where it went after I pressed the compass button. I tried moving the screen away/zooming out again and pressing the compass again but the same thing happened. The error happened to me on a few occasions. Sometimes I was able to get it to reset correctly back towards the centre bottom of screen, others I just had to live with it and try and carry on.
@mouckatrongmail-com In the latest update we've fixed a issue with the location of the position icon on screen.
Please let us know if you still have the issue.