New Beta version
Hi all!
Thanks so much for your feedback over the past two weeks
I have to admit that the Beta release went excellent and all my expectations were blown away
The amount of positive comments we received from you were simply overwhelming.
I am actively responding on the forum and working very hard to get this app where it is but it must be mentioned that this wouldn't have been possible without Joost! Very grateful to be working with him.
As an early Christmas present, we would proudly like to present the new Mobile & Navigation Next Beta version!
You may also be proud of yourselves! Without your feedback, we wouldn't have created this version. Your active contributions have all been included in this app! From MyRoute-app to you, thanksWe hope you are as happy with the changes as we are!
The new Mobile app version 3.2.4 has the following changes:
- Show breadcrumbs in your route / track folders
- Manually add a destination by long pressing the map
- Add custom locations to your favorites
- Overview of favorites
- Styling improvements
More details are here:
Literally all items above have been mentioned by you, our community, over the last two weeks. Thanks for that!
These improvements in Mobile have a direct impact in the Navigation app as well! In the Mobile app you can now long press the map and select a custom location / directly open a favorite. For the Beta this means, you can immediately start navigating to this coordinate!
The new Beta version is on its way and will be automatically for all existing testers
We will process all new testers next week. The new Beta version is: 3.2.5 (v146) for Android & iOS
Beside that we also made some Next improvements only:
- Resolved issue where screen locks
- Distance to next waypoint not calculated correctly
- Navigation could incorrectly be started for route-tracks. This is now disabled
- Warning of speeding not triggering directly (higher threshold)
- Landscape mode: lower position indicator and UI improvements
- Show camera warnings earlier and longer
- Improved naming of your current road ensuring it is visible almost all of the time (when enabled)
- Added the ability to hide the remaining distance / duration
- Show yards instead of meters (when user has Imperial preference)
- Battery performance
- Much more minor tweaks I forgot
Android crash issues
Some users (thankfully not a lot) indicated that the app would not open a Navigation session at all. We cannot confidently say that this has been resolved but we would recommend those users to completely remove the app and install the new Beta. Please do let us know (in another forum bug topic) if the problem still persists.Generic note
Anything not mentioned above, has not been tackledI have a long list of all suggestions / bug reports of the past two weeks which will be continuously processed. You can expect more messages like this over the coming weeks. Please note: between Christmas and New Years, we won't be working so forgive me for not responding on the forum and don't expect any updates
Please see a list of related forum messages below. All these contributed to the app releases!
Forever grateful for all your input
Mobile app release
Massive thanks to these suggestions which have been implemented in the Mobile app!
Favorite overview: &
Manual waypoint placement: &
Long press to go back:
Keep menu open:
Route-track icon:
Popup styling: & forum issues solved
Color missing:
Screen locks: &èta-versie & & & &
Waypoint calculation:
Layout bottom window:
Landscape mode UI:úsquedas-recientes-e-icono-navegador &
Speeding duration:
Road name:
Hide duration:
Use yards:
Battery usage: -
Great Job Corjan & Joost
@Corjan-Meijerink Superb work by you and Joost. Thank you for the detailed insight to the changes above. Buy yourself and Joost a beer and I'll pay for it in April
@Corjan-Meijerink Flabbergasted by the update interval!
Can't wait to check tjlhe Beta #2 out!Awesome work Corjan & Joost!
Thank you both for this update.
Great! Thank you very much. Already installed.
Corjan Meijerink
Corjan Meijerink
Corjan Meijerink