I am currently on tour and riding a route which has 5 ViaPoints over about 250km.
All is going smoothly and the ride is fine however; I needed fuel and searched for the nearest fuel station on my active route. I then added it to the route and my GPS told me to make a U-turn
Further investigation showed that the service station was added just before the next (final in this case) Waypoint rather than slotted in nicely before the next ViaPoint.
I can work round that but if I gave a route to others and they did the same they would have problems.
Personally I prefer to add all the Petrol Stations on the route at the planning stage. As shown below.
@Nick-Dawson, If je select a new point on the map, or through the search function, it wil always be added to the end. you can rearrange waypoints by dragging them in the left menubar. What you can do to avoid this is this: Say you want to ad a gasstation between point 11 and 12. First klik ON the routeline between 11 and 12 (the cursor changes!), a shapingpoint wil be added between them, and 12 wil be the new shaping point. Drag that point to the gasstation location. that's all!
@Con-Hennekens thank you, I will try that although knowing which shaping point is coming up next may not be so easy.
I may not have been that clear in my original post as it is more shaping points rather than ViaPoints at are the problem.
I do not know how to slot a fuel station between them but will test that today.
Thank you
@Nick-Dawson, Oh, I misinterpreted your question, thinking you were adding a gasstation in the route planner, but now I understand you are in Navigation.
To be honest, I have never done what you are trying. Usually I trust that tank-icon at the top-left:
It indicates the first gasstation ON the route. If I cant wait for that, I stop navigation and search for the nearest gasstation. After filling up I restart my route and skip to the nearest waypoint.
@Con-Hennekens that is what I ended up doing and it works just fine.
When all the waypoints are actually ViaPoints (as opposed to shaping points) I tend to search along the active route which works very well but the shaping points dont allow the service station to be slotted in at the correct place.
I will have to think about how to create routes using shaping points in the future for 3rd parties as, unless you understand what is going on, it will cause problems.
Something to keep me busy on my return in a months time..