Heroic Support Pin
When one becomes a Hero of the self service section he or she becomes a beacon of shared wisdom and a figure of authority among peers.
1 x
Corjan Meijerink
1 x
Stefan Hummelink
1 x
Con Hennekens
1 x
1 x
Rob Verhoeff
1 x
Bart De Medts
1 x
Nick Carthew
1 x
Jack van Tilburg

Support Pin
awarded to members who actively contribute to the self service section, selflessly seeking to help members of the community encountering problems or important questions.
1 x
Stefan Hummelink
1 x
Con Hennekens
1 x
1 x
Rob Verhoeff
1 x
Bart De Medts
1 x
Herko ter Horst
2 x
Nick Carthew
2 x
Jack van Tilburg

Exposure Guru Award
Awarded to those who create great exposure for MyRoute-app and the community in a manner exceeding normal exposure creating behavior.

Wheel of Riding
The Wheel of Riding is awarded to members who help, guide and respond to activity in the "Rides" forum. Both by posting their own ride as well as discussing the rides of others.

Exemplary Community Building Star
This award is granted to Community Builders who go above and beyond the call to create great events or are otherwise at the forefront of continued community engagement on the forum.

Community Building Star
Community builders organize events and create engagement on the forum.

Grand Family Medal
The Grand Family Medal is awarded to all forum participating members of a family, either being direct bloodline (parents or siblings) or a state recognized partner.

Family Medal
Awarded for having an active family member on the Forum.

Excellent Contributor Award
Awarded for not only positively contributing and participating, but for doing so in an outstanding and exemplary manner.
1 x
1 x
1 x
1 x
Dave J 0
1 x
Stefan Hummelink
1 x
Con Hennekens
1 x
1 x
1 x
Rob Verhoeff
1 x
Bart De Medts
1 x
Herko ter Horst
1 x
Nick Carthew
1 x
Jack van Tilburg

Contributor Award
The Contributor Award is granted to those who contribute positively and participate in the MRA Community Forum.
1 x
Steve Jarrell
1 x
1 x
Tim Thompson
1 x
Stefan Hummelink
1 x
1 x
Con Hennekens
1 x
Mirza Ahmad
1 x
1 x
1 x
Rob Verhoeff
1 x
Marcel Hagen
1 x
1 x
Herko ter Horst
1 x
Nick Carthew
1 x
1 x
Jack van Tilburg
1 x
1 x
1 x
Steve Lynch
1 x
MRA Daniël