MRA Navigation Next recent learnings
Hi, I followed a route as a track on Sat and it all worked very well on my Phone App. A couple of issues which caused slight confusion;
Somehow I never passed WP 1 which was checked beforehand as being on the route. As the first WP is a via point it was trying to send me back to the start. I simply pulled over safely and skipped WP1 before going on my way. NEVER try to do this while riding, and don't think it will auto skip because Via points will never be auto skipped.
Make sure your off line maps are up to date before you ride, I stopped the route halfway through and needed to restart again only to discover that I didn't have a phone signal. Thankfully the app switched to off-line mode and I was able restart again and skip to next shaping point. My learning here was; don't stop the route then you'll be able to continue where you left off.
Be aware of your waypoints and in normal circumstances when you pass them you proceed to the next one. If your WP is slightly off the route for whatever reason the App will suddenly want you to turn around... be patient the Auto Skip should correct this. For me this happened not at the next waypoint but at the one after that. If all else fails, pull over safely and skip to the next WP along the route.
My other learnings were, don't panic, if the app isn't behaving for whatever reason, pull over, take the time to get things corrected and back on track.
Issues 1 & 2 above were probably due to my planning mistakes. i.e. WP's not quite on the route, easy to blame the app for my mistakes!!!
Credit to the MRA team for the continued improvements to the app
@David-Rudgley WP1 should not be exactly where you start your route (for example, in front of your garage). Put it somewhere at around 300 meters in the direction your route is supposed to take so you will pass through the WP.
Also when planning a route, zoom in and make sure the waypoints are on road (and on the correct side of the road !) -
@Adrian-Avram WP1 could be skipped automatically every time I start the route and the point is less than XX meters from my position. I have this problem quite often and usually I skip it manually before starting the trip.
@Adrian-Avram I did exactly that, positioned it away from the start along the intended route. I have no idea why it never ticked off WP1
@Stanisław said in MRA Navigation Next recent learnings:
WP1 could be skipped automatically every time I start the route and the point is less than XX meters from my position. I have this problem quite often and usually I skip it manually before starting the trip.
The problem with WP1 is that it is a VIA point, and they do NOT get automatically skipped. Often WP1 is the start from a route somewhere at a meeting point, therefore we don't want it to be able to skip automatically. If you insist om placing it on your doorstep (funny thing is that many people consider that a privacy violation anyway) skipping it manually before take off is the right action.
@Con-Hennekens I know that is is not skipped automatically, my intention was to treat it as a special kind of via point that is skipped by default (maybe as an individual setting). Anyway it is not a big problem when you have a possibility to skip it manually by riding, some of us can not do it without stopping and taking gloves off.
@Stanisław sometimes if wp1 is close to me, I'll skip it before i leave just to make sure.