gpx points
How to see the amount of gps points in a GPX file generated from myroute?
I have a navi that not support too much points. Some route I made in MyRoute are not readable.
How to see how much points are in a track?
@Cristiano-Repetti There will be hundreds if not thousands of .gpx files. What GPS device are you using?
@Nick-Carthew Zumo XT. Some GPX aren't read. Probably too much points. Zumo XT accept 10.000 max.
There is a way in MyRoute to see how many points will be exported in gpx? So I can reduce the track or divide it in 2.
@Cristiano-Repetti I have not seen this problem before. How many kilometres is your route?
@Cristiano-Repetti Could you share your route so that it would be easier for me or someone else to offer better advice.