@Marinus-van-Deudekom I can understand you, but be brave and jump into the nice adventure to use MRA-Routplanner (for planning) and MyRoute-App (for navigation). You will love it.
I did the same...
If you intend to export your work in an external gpx file, then please usually the format gpx 1.1 (route, track, POI). As the name suggests, the file contains all: a route, a track, and possible POIs.
But if you export your work in an external gpx file, in the format gpx 1.1 (route, track, POI) - then, as the name suggests, the file contains only: a track, and possible POIs.
The file format 1.2 is only for GARMIN XT2!
Keep in mind: routes will have a starting point, an end point, and can have several way points in between.
A track has only a starting point and a end point.