you could think of clicking on the Waypoint next to the next one to be inserted, open the popup menu, click on a + or a - that indicates whether to insert the new Waypoint before or after the one indicated
Insert new waypoints between two closest waypoints
Situation: you have a route created and want to add one additional stop for a specific address.
After adding the address in the "Find a place" search box, the waypoint is always added as the last waypoint in the route.
Then you have to reorder it to a position that fits better with the route.
It would be great if the waypoint would automatically be inserted between the two closest waypoints already in the route.
In most cases, that would mean you wouldn't need the manual reordering step, which can be quite tedious if you have many waypoints and you need to scroll up to move it to the correct location.
It would also shorten the route recalculation times, since the distance to be recalculated between the waypoints is much shorter.Potentially, this feature could be extended into a more generic toggle 'Always insert new waypoints between two closest ones.'
This would allow you to change an existing route by clicking rather than dragging. -
Hi Davy!
Nice idea as I also like to use the search functions and add waypoints using it.
If we will get this feature, please implement it as an option, that can be switched on and off during the planning:
Reason for me is, that I sometimes have a list of addresses I want to enter and they are already "in order" and so I need them added in exactly the same way it is today. The other use case is really the later addition of waypoints, where I would activate the feature "add waypoint between nearest existing waypoints" for sure.Greetings
Thomas -
you could think of clicking on the Waypoint next to the next one to be inserted, open the popup menu, click on a + or a - that indicates whether to insert the new Waypoint before or after the one indicated
@Davy-Vanherbergen, your suggestion is fine, but what I do is adding the address as an extra waypoint. Then I click ON the route line between the waypoints where I would like that address to be inserted. I move that self-made waypoint to the location of the waypoint that was added at the end, and I delete the waypoint at the end. It saves the hassle of moving a waypoint through your waypoint list.
@Con-Hennekens thats the same work around that I use. Not perfect but it gets the job done
I just tested the same scenario in Calimoto. Inserting the waypoint between the 2 closest points is the default behaviour there..
It would also be great to have this as the default behaviour when you click on the + button for a point of interest to add it to the route.