Is the new Navigation included with MyRoute Gold membership?
The title says it all.
I have a gold lifetime membership for Does that include the Navigation app on my phone or not? It doesn't look like it. Will I need to buy the navigation app as well?
@Stefan-Ludwig it’s not included. That’s what the Navigation subscription is for
@Corjan-Meijerink OK, thanks.
@Corjan-Meijerink and what do we do then with the lifetime goldmembership in MyRoute-app?
@TommekenTom access to the Gold features
@TommekenTom, Your Goldmembership is a subscription to (the best there is!) planner tool. You can still use that to create routes for your TomTom (deducted from your forumname ). The Navigation app always had a separate subscription, that is not changing. It's just being integrated into 1 app.