Changing login user/pwd to social media account data
where on earth, why should this be a good idea?
Everwhere and all the time we've been told to have a unique emailaddress and password for each application we log in to, for safety reasons. This ist still the right way to keep abuse away. If you force us to change to a social media account for credentials, our private routing data will be on risk to get unfolded to thirdparties without our knowledge and without our consent.
And it is not only our routing data which is disclosed, it is also the information where we have been and where we like to go, at what date and time we spend our time in developping routes and whenever we're riding. This is information others have to keep their fingers off.
When you like to get it working with social media account, you can read something like this:
Mit der Einrichtung von „Mit Apple anmelden“ können Informationen zu deinen Interaktionen mit Apple und zu diesem Gerät von Apple verwendet werden, um Betrug zu verhindern.
Google sounds like this:
Wenn Sie fortfahren möchten, müssen Sie zustimmen, dass Google Ihren Namen, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Ihre Spracheinstellung und Ihr Profilbild an weiter gibt. Bevor Sie verwenden, können Sie die Datenschutzerklärung und die Nutzungsbedingungen lesen, die dafür gelten.This is a lovely aim, but any interaction is analyzed before and it's not mentioned that this interactions are related to the use of MyRoute. By the way, if your socialmedia account ist leaked, all your apps are too!!! So, you've no access but you've still to pay for them, because you can't change your credentials in an easy way.
Thanks a bomb! -
Validating access through social media accounts is optional. Some like it, some do not. Personally I don't, but you don't have to use it.
Validating your acces through social media platforms is a form of identification, just like validating by e-mail. It is called oAuth and serves a purpose for identification only. Since social media accounts are all about identification, there is no harm in using it for that. You are NOT coupling your MRA data with any social media AT ALL.
Of course I know that many are distrustful towards social media (most of those people I know have multiple social media accounts of their won ) but again: you DON'T HAVE TO use that method of identification.
Indeed, nothing to add to the answer by @Con-Hennekens
Using a social media platform is completely optional. If you do, they have no access at all to MRA. If anything, it is the other way around
We retrieve your email (possibly anonymised is using iCloud), public name (as allowed by the social platform) and a unique SSO (single-sign-on) identifier to allow linking MRA to that social network. This allows us to distinguish between registration and login. Furthermore, it allows you to remotely disable the platform login on MRA (eg. in your twitter privacy settings you will see MRA has a link to that platform, here you can also disable that - it won’t remove your MRA account but it will disable you logging in with twitter)
"Using a social media platform is completely optional." is the opposite of "Achtung: Ihre bestehende Anmeldemethode mit E-Mail und Passwort wird in Zukunft nicht mehr funktionieren" as you announce on the account page.
So, what should I believe? -
@foxontherun Could share a screenshot of where it says that?
@Corjan-Meijerink, @foxontherun probably means this:
@foxontherun said in Changing login user/pwd to social media account data:
"Achtung: Ihre bestehende Anmeldemethode mit E-Mail und Passwort wird in Zukunft nicht mehr funktionieren"
Just means that it will not function anymore AFTER you switch to SSO...
Sorry @foxontherun, but you are misinterpreting things. Or maybe the German translation could have been clearer But the difference is in the sentence before what you quote. -
@foxontherun Can you login currently without a social media account? If so, that is proof that it's completely optional.
If you choose to enable logging in with a social media account, then the username/password login stops working.